
My first experience with Android development

Primary LanguageKotlin


This was my first experience with Android development. This application was developed in a group project for the class of Programing for Mobile Devices at ISEL.

The application consists of a movie database that lets it's users:

  • Search movies my name;
  • Visualize movies currently airing in theaters;
  • Visualize upcoming movies;
  • Visualize popular movies;
  • Visualize movie details;
  • Follow/Unfollow an upcoming movie and be notified when it airs;
  • Visualize currently followed movies;
  • Use funcionalities in offline mode.

Sources of data

The source of data chosen for this project was The Movie Database, since it's free and provides up-to-date information trough a REST API: API Documentation.


Principal technologies used for the development of this project.

Technology README
Kotlin Concise programming language that fully supports Android development
Coroutines Powerful library for asynchronous programing
Volley HTTP library for API requests
Picasso Library for image loading and caching
JobScheduler Android API for background service scheduling