
Mobile application done for a technical challenge during a hiring recruiting phase.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Mobilie application done for a technical challenge during an hiring recruiting phase.

The application provides access to information on Product Hunt, letting it's users:

  • Visualize daily posts;
  • Visualize a selected day's post;
  • Order posts by criterias;
  • Visualize a posts details;
  • Visualize a user details;
  • Use all functionalities in offline mode.

Sources of data

The data is provided from Product Hunt API.


Principal technologies used for the development of this project.

Technology README
Kotlin Concise programming language that fully supports Android development
Coroutines Powerful library for asynchronous programming
Retrofit type safe HTTP client library
Dagger Dependency injector
Leak Canary Memory leak detection library
Glide Image loader library that supports caching
MVP Architectural pattern used for responsibility separation