
Android application to speed restaurant service.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This application is a test case for some of the most recent android architecture components and recommendations, applied to a realistic use case, it consist of a replacement for a restaurant/bar menu allowing a user to not bother the waiter multiple times. The functionallities mostly mocked since there is not API but all menus and organization is controlled by the API data.

  • Choose a service type (in restaurant or take away);
  • Visualize multiple menus and sub-menus;
  • Visualize menu item details;
  • Add/remove/update items to a list to order;
  • Visualize all items ordered;
  • Pay for all item ordered;

Source of data

The source of data is provided from a mock API that I developed in Node.js and hosted on Heroku.


Principal technologies used for the development of this project.

Technology ABOUT
Kotlin Concise programming language that fully supports Android development
Coroutines Powerful library for asynchronous programming
Retrofit Type safe HTTP client library
Room Library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite for data persistence on mobile device
Dagger Dependency injector
Leak Canary Memory leak detection library
MVVM Architectural pattern used for responsibility separation