A Cross-Platform C++ parser library for Windows user minidumps with Python 3 bindings.
- aadityapurani
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- amurruAmuru Kingdom
- anyred
- Ap3xUnited States
- Arryboom0.0.0.0
- bewniac
- bighaccBigHacks LLC
- Blazz3
- cExplr
- ch3rn0byl::1
- citronneur@airbus-cert
- cpzhell
- curtishoughtonEngland, United Kingdom
- djn3m0
- es3n1nhire me please
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- flatz
- For3stCo1d
- gmh5225@backengineering
- HadesW
- hazade
- iamv1nIndia
- kiwidoggiekiwidoggie productions, @EmulatorNexus, @ModdersLink
- kleptosec
- L4ys@TrapaSecurity
- ldy985Denmark
- mrexodiaPoland
- muhopensores
- nezlooy
- nsauzedeインテル
- pt300Earth
- saqwedIntel
- sh4hin
- thushanWebSoftware Systems | FernAero | SixPivot
- tzf-omkey