
Accelerator project template based on Playwright, Junit and Cucumber

Primary LanguageJava

Getting Started

Accelerator project template based on Playwright, Junit and Cucumber

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:

Working folder structure :

        │   └───my
        │       └───accelerator
        │           └───atf
        │               │   CucumberRunner.java
        │               │
        │               ├───config
        │               │       TestConfig.java
        │               │
        │               ├───context
        │               │       DataUserKeys.java
        │               │       ScenarioContext.java
        │               │       ScenarioKeys.java
        │               │
        │               ├───hooks
        │               │       ExecutionHooks.java
        │               │
        │               └───steps
            │   allure.properties
            │   application.properties
            │   cucumber.properties
            │   junit-platform.properties
            │   logback-test.xml

How to start code generator

mvn exec:java -e -Dexec.mainClass=com.microsoft.playwright.CLI -Dexec.args="codegen google.com"

How to run tests

mvn clean test

How to show allure report

allure serve -h localhost target/allure-results