
📁 A not-so-true-to-life implementation of .env (dot env) for Garry's Mod

Primary LanguageRust


A not-so-true-to-life implementation of a .env file for gmod. Place a .env at ./garrysmod/.env and any variables set in it will be accessible from within Lua through the env() function. The file will require you to run require("dot_env") at the top of a config file.

This does not respect ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES defined outside of the .env. My intentions were (And always will be) to keep the context of the variables tight and strict, so they are only creatable through the .env file. I change my mind (I was an idiot then), if you want to add this functionality please open a PR!

Also, this will only work on server side. So if you require it inside a shared file, make sure to account for that.

Also, idk wtf I'm doing with Rust and this is probably a low key mess


  1. Place the dll in ./garrysmod/lua/bin.
  2. Create a .env file at ./garrysmod/.env.
  3. Populate the .env file with an appropriate config.
  4. Go to a config file and require the DLL at the top of the file: if SERVER then require('dot_env') end
  5. Set the config value using the env() function: MyAddon.Config.SQL.Password = env('MY_ADDON_SQL_PASSWORD') or "password".
  6. If you are using this in a shared context, you may need to account for that like so: MyAddon.Config.SharedValue = SERVER and (env('MY_ADDON_SHARED_VAL') or "Fallback") or "Client Fallback", but it is unlikely you would be using this in a shared context.


  • WilliamVenner - Making gmod-rs. Digging through his endless Gmod Rust DLL repos in order to understand how gmod-rs works. I also stole his build action, sue me.
  • dotenv-parser - Parsing the .env file. Because why make something yourself when someone has already done it better?