
This tool can simulate crvUSD loan rate changes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This tool can simulate crvUSD(Curve StableCoin) loan rate changes.

crvUSD Loan Rate

${DebtFraction} = \frac{PegKeeperDebt}{TotalDebt}$

${power} = \frac{Price_{Peg} - Price_{crvUSD}}{sigma} - \frac{DebtFraction}{TargetFraction}$

${r} = rate0 * e^{power}$

The loan rate of crvUSD mainly adjusted by two dimensions, crvUSD price and the ratio of PegKeepers' debt to total debt.

  • When crvUSD price goes lower, the rate goes higher.

  • When crvUSD price goes higher, the rate goes lower.

  • When DebtFraction goes lower, the rate goes higher.

  • When DebtFraction goes higher, the rate goes lower.

You could find more detials about crvUSD in Curve Stablecoin Whitepaper and the contract code calculate_rate().

Quick Start

npm install
npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.