
monero faucet

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Monero faucet

The monero faucet can be used as stagenet faucet or as testnet faucet. A faucet in general accepts a monero wallet address and returns a fraction of its own wallet's balance to the given wallet.

Running faucets based on this project can be found at

Visit us at https://community.xmr.to.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the faucet up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Before you even start to use docker-compose to run a faucet locally, you should make a copy of docker-compose-template.yml.

cp docker-compose-template.yml docker-compose.yml

In docker-compose.yml you will find some settings, you should be familiar with (default settings refer to docker-compose.yml, not settings.py):

  • faucet specific
    • FACTOR_BALANCE (default: 10)
      • The factor by which the wallet's balance is divided. Determines the amount to pay to the given address.
    • WALLET_HOST (default: localhost)
      • IP or URL to the monero -wallet-rpc (see monero-rpc service)
    • WALLET_PORT (default: 38083)
      • RPC port of the monero -wallet-rpc (see monero-rpc service)
    • DAEMON_HOST (default: node.xmr.to)
      • IP or URL to monerod
    • DAEMON_PORT (default: 38081)
      • RPC port of monerod
    • DEFAULT_MIXIN (default: 10)
      • mixin to be used when making transactions (ring size = mixin + 1)
    • FAUCET_PORT (default: 8000)
      • Published port of the faucet
      • If changed, also modify
        • exposed port in docker-compose.yml
        • command in docker-compose.yml to runserver<your_port>
  • service/project specific
    • RATELIMIT_ENABLE (default: True)
      • switches on/off rate limitation on the transactions/ endpoint.
      • not working locally, since django-ratelimit is configured to read header:x-real-ip instead of ip.
        • if set to ip, django-ratelimit tries to read remote_addr.
        • A Middleware could be added to modify remote_addr and always use ip in the django-ratelimit configuration.
      • Makes use of django-ratelimit.
    • ONCE_EVERY_N_MINUTE (default: 5)
      • configures the faucet's rate limitation on API endpoint transactions/ to once per n minutes where n=ONCE_EVERY_N_MINUTE.
    • MAXIMUM_PAYOUT (default: 1)
      • sets the maximum XMR to pay to the user to 1 XMR
      • This was implemented due to the fact, that someone was draining the faucet with a script.
    • DEBUG (default: True)
      • Should be set to False in production
    • SECRET_KEY (default: <some_secret_key>)
      • This value should be changed to something sensible in production.
    • MONERO_ENDPOINT (default: /)
      • Is only changed when several faucets are served by one single proxy server (like nginx).
      • See deployment for further information.
    • CACHE_URL (default: locmemcache://)
      • URL to cache
        • locmemcache:// uses the local Django cache
        • See 'Starting the faucet' for use with redis.
      • Makes use of django-environ.
    • DATABASE_URL (default: sqlite://)
      • URL to database
        • sqlite:// creates an in-memory sqlite database
        • sqlite:////data/db.develop creates a sqlite database file called db.devlop
        • See 'Starting the faucet' for use with postgres.
      • Makes use of django-environ.

monero-rpc service

A monero-wallet-rpc docker image is hosted here. The source can be found here.

The service monero-rpc does not publish its port (not listening on host's localhost). The port is just exposed, which makes it available in the faucet service, since they are hosted within the same docker/docker-compose network.

Modify monero-rpc service in docker-compose.yml.

  • USER_ID (default: 1000)
    • Can be set to whatever uid the wallet folder is owned by.
      • Within the docker container a user (with the given uid=USER_ID) is created.
    • Obviousy only works, if uid is available.
    • verbosity level of monero-wallet-rpc log messages
  • stagenet
    • --stagenet
    • --wallet-file <stagenet_wallet>
    • --password-file <stagenet_wallet_password_file>
    • Adapt the path to your monero stagenet wallet <stagenet_wallet>.
    • DAEMON_PORT=38081 (or whatever port your daemon is listening to)
    • wallet_port=38083 (or whatever port yout RPC should be listening on)
  • testnet
    • --testnet
    • --wallet-file <testnet_wallet>
    • --password-file <testnet_wallet_password_file>
    • Adapt the path to your monero testnet wallet <testnet_wallet>.
    • DAEMON_PORT=28081 (or whatever port your daemon is listening to)
    • wallet_port=28083 (or whatever port yout RPC should be listening on)

Necessary tools

The faucet project makes use of docker and docker-compose.

The following tools should be installed to make it work locally:

Starting the faucet

The faucet can be started like this

docker-compose up -d --build

The above command starts the faucet service as well as a monero-wallet-rpc server (as defined within docker-compose.yml).

It also makes sure, the service's image is built from scratch (--build) and the services (docker containers) are started in the background (-d, daemonized).

The local development environment's (Dockerfile) docker base image (faucet service) is based on python:3.6 (docker-compose-template.yml). For production (prod.Dockerfile) docker base image(faucet service) should be based on python:3.6-alpine (docker-compose-prod.yml). Please see deployment for more information.

Have a look at the logs:

  • docker-compose log -f
  • docker-compose log -f faucet (only faucet service)

Stop services:

  • docker-compose rm -s -f
  • docker-compose rm -s -f faucet (only faucet service)

Switching databases

The default database (docker-compose-template.yml) is sqlite.

Using the setting DATABASE_URL the database can be easily changed.

  • DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/transactions

  • DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////data/db.develop

  • sqlite

    • uncomment sqlite in depends_on (in docker-compose.yml)
    • uncomment sqlite DATABASE_URL
    • comment postgres DATABASE_URL
    • comment postgres in depends_on (in docker-compose.yml)
    • comment the postgres service (in docker-compose.yml)
    • comment the volumes (in docker-compose.yml)
  • postgres

    • comment sqlite in depends_on (in docker-compose.yml)
    • comment sqlite DATABASE_URL
    • uncomment postgres DATABASE_URL
    • uncomment postgres in depends_on (in docker-compose.yml)
    • uncomment the postgres service (in docker-compose.yml)
    • uncomment the volumes (in docker-compose.yml)

Switching caches

In the same manner the cache can be configured.

  • CACHE_URL=rediscache://redis:6379/1?CLIENT_CLASS=django_redis.client.DefaultClient

Accessing the faucet

With its default configuration the faucet listens on port 8000.

Running the tests

Tests can be run using the script


This script spins up a docker container and runs the tests within this specific environment. Have a look at docker-compose-testing.yml for further details.

Of course, it is also possible to run the faucet service and enter the container using docker-compose exec faucet bash. Then you should be able to activate and enter the virtual environment with pipenv shell. From here on, it is possible to run Django commands like python manage.py ....

And coding style tests

The source code is formatted using black --line-length 79.


For the deployment we recommend using alpine as docker base image. prod.Dockerfile makes use of this - Locally such an environment can be started with docker-compose-prod.yml as docker-compose configuration file.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d --build

Serve using uWSGI

In this case DEBUG should be set to False'

Another command line within docker-compose.yml can be used to let the faucet be served by uWSGI. In this case, comment the command containing runserver

The uWSGI server listens on port FAUCET_PORT.

STATIC_ROOT = "/data/static/" and uWSGI is configured to serve statc content like this --static-map /static/=/data/static/.

Running serveral faucets behind a proxy server

There might be the need to run stagenet and testnet faucets behind the same nginx proxy.

In this case it is recommended to let the faucet be served by uWSGI.

This requires to differentiate

  • API calls
  • static content requests between the two faucets.

Therefore MONERO_ENDPOINT was introduced. This setting defines a URL prefix, that is used when the client talks to the backend.

MONERO_ENDPOINT modifies the following settings:

  • URL to static content in index.html
  • URL to transactions/ API endpoint in index.html by modifiying STATIC_URL in settings.py.

MONERO_ENDPOINT should be the same as the appropriate location block in the nginx configuration. Within the nginx location block the prefixed URL should be stripped of MONERO_ENDPOINT again, since uWSGI is configured to just serve static contents


  • With MONERO_ENDPOINT=/ STATIC_URL becomes /static/
    • index.html
      • /transactions/
      • /static/fonts/fonts.css
  • With MONERO_ENDPOINT=/faucet/stagenet/ STATIC_URL becomes /faucet/stagenet/static/
    • index.html
      • /faucet/stagenet/transactions/
      • /faucet/stagenet/static/fonts/fonts.css
      • ...
  • With MONERO_ENDPOINT=/faucet/testnet/ STATIC_URL becomes /faucet/testnet/static/
    • index.html
      • /faucet/testnet/transactions/
      • /faucet/testnet/static/fonts/fonts.css
      • ...

nginx could be configured like this:

set $upstream_faucet_testnet some_ip_url_dns_to_the_testnet_faucet:8000;

location ~ ^/faucet/testnet/ {
    if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|POST|HEAD|OPTIONS)$) {
        return 405;

    # forwarding
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $http_x_real_ip;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

    # use the complete $request_uri for rewriting
    rewrite ^ $request_uri;
    # remove /faucet/testnet/
    # take the remaining content and put it into $uri
    rewrite ^/faucet/testnet/(.*) /$1 break;  # add / before $1 to avoid zero length $uri
    return 400; #if the second rewrite does not match

    proxy_pass http://$upstream_faucet_testnet$uri;

Eventually, this setup requests the backend with /transactions/ instead of /faucet/testnet/transactions/, which is the configured URL. Also static content will be requested from /static/fonts/fonts.css instead of /faucet/testnet/fonts/fonts.css, like the uWSGI configuration defines.

Built With

The services are run within docker containers.

The faucet service is backed by python3.6.

The virtual environment for python is created and maintained with pipenv. Specific versions are defined within Pipfile.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Norman Moeschter-Schenck - Initial work - normoes

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details



makemigrations could, in some cases, be interactive (e.g. renaming a model field). Then, the faucet container will not start successfully.

  • Leave the faucet service in its unsuccessful state
    # enter the running faucet service container
    docker-compose exec faucet bash
    # enter the virtual environment
    pipenv shell
    # run makemigrations manually
    python manage.py makemigrations  # interactive