
DO NOT USE YET! A port of the cwt kernel build script to gentoo

Primary LanguageShell


You can add this Git repository to be available from emerge:

Add this as /etc/portage/repos.conf/cwte-linux-repo.conf, and then you can update it with emaint sync -r cwte-linux-repo

location = /var/db/repos/cwte-linux-repo
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/XerneraC/cwte-linux.git

From there you can install the cwte kernel by emerging sys-kernel/cwte-linux

Custom Config

You can load or modify the config by exporting


This will make the ebuild pop up the menuconfig dialogue before compiling From there you can load the old config .config and modify it, or just load a different config alltogether The edited config must replace the .config config