Brut-forces a NxM field with tetras in order to find optimal placements.
cargo build --release
./target/release/brutal-tetris-hacker --help
Printed help message:
Usage: brutal-tetris-hacker [OPTIONS]
--results-limit <RESULTS_LIMIT>
The limit of the generated results
Read the field from STDIN.
Use `--stdin-char-empty` and `--stdin-char-busy` to configure characters recognition.
Any other characters are not allowed. The length of each line should be fixed.
--stdin-char-empty <STDIN_CHAR_EMPTY>
In case of reading the field from STDIN, which character treat as an empty cell
[default: -]
--stdin-char-busy <STDIN_CHAR_BUSY>
In case of reading the field from STDIN, which character treat as an unavailable cell
[default: x]
--output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
[default: default]
[possible values: default, json]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')