A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 automated questionnaire and calculator.
Though it's primarily meant to be filled out by a psychologist, a questionnaire for the patient is available as well.
The application is available here. You can load a random answer set by clicking Click here to load a sample answer set.
- View all scales as described in the Scales section.
- Download / upload questionnaire answers.
- Full persistence - data persists between sessions.
- EN / PL languages.
All scales are available in three viewing modes:
- Raw results
- T-scores
- K-corrected
Both male and female calculations are available.
The calculator supports all MMPI-2 standard scales:
- VRIN - Variable Response Inconsistency
- TRIN - True Response Inconsistency
- F - Infrequency
- FB - Back F
- FP - Infrequency – Psychopathology
- FBS - Symptom Validity
- L - Lie
- K - Correction
- S - Superlative Self-Presentation
- RCd (dem) - Demoralization
- RC1 (som) - Somatic Complaints
- RC2 (lpe) - Low Positive Emotions
- RC3 (cyn) - Cynicism
- RC4 (asb) - Antisocial Behavior
- RC6 (per) - Ideas of Persecution
- RC7 (dne) - Dysfunctional Negative Emotions
- RC8 (abx) - Aberrant Experiences
- RC9 (hpm) - Hypomanic Activation
- Hs - Hypochondriasis
- D - Depression
- Hy - Hysteria
- Pd - Psychopathic Deviate
- Mf - Masculinity/Femininity
- Pa - Paranoia
- Pt - Psychasthenia
- Sc - Schizophrenia
- Ma - Hypomania
- Si - Social Introversion
- FRS1 - Generalized Fearfulness
- FRS2 - Multiple Fears
- DEP1 - Lack of Drive
- DEP2 - Dysphoria
- DEP3 - Self-Depreciation
- DEP4 - Suicidal Ideation
- HEA1 - Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- HEA2 - Neurological Symptoms
- HEA3 - General Health Concerns
- BIZ1 - Psychotic Symptomatology
- BIZ2 - Schizotypal Characteristics
- ANG1 - Explosive Behavior
- ANG2 - Irritability
- CYN1 - Misanthropic Beliefs
- CYN2 - Interpersonal Suspiciousness
- ASP1 - Antisocial Attitudes
- ASP2 - Antisocial Behavior
- TPA1 - Impatience
- TPA2 - Competitive Drive
- LSE1 - Self-Doubt
- LSE2 - Submissiveness
- SOD1 - Introversion
- SOD2 - Shyness
- FAM1 - Family Discord
- FAM2 - Familial Alienation
- TRT1 - Low Motivation
- TRT2 - Inability to Disclose
- D1 - Subjective Depression
- D2 - Psychomotor Retardation
- D3 - Physical Malfunctioning
- D4 - Mental Dullness
- D5 - Brooding
- Hy1 - Denial of Social Anxiety
- Hy2 - Need for Affection
- Hy3 - Lassitude-Malaise
- Hy4 - Somatic Complaints
- Hy5 - Inhibition of Aggression
- Pd1 - Familial Discord
- Pd2 - Authority Problems
- Pd3 - Social Imperturbability
- Pd4 - Social Alienation
- Pd5 - Self-Alienation
- Pa1 - Persecutory Ideas
- Pa2 - Poignancy
- Pa3 - Naïveté
- Sc1 - Social Alienation
- Sc2 - Emotional Alienation
- Sc3 - Lack of Ego Mastery-Cognitive
- Sc4 - Lack of Ego Mastery-Conative
- Sc5 - Lack of Ego Mastery-Defective Inhibition
- Sc6 - Bizarre Sensory Experiences
- Ma1- Amorality
- Ma2- Psychomotor Acceleration
- Ma3- Imperturbability
- Ma4- Ego Inflation
- Si1 - Shyness / Self-Consciousness
- Si2 - Social Avoidance
- Si3 - Alienation - Self and Others
- ANX - Anxiety
- FRS - Fears
- OBS - Obsessiveness
- DEP - Depression
- HEA - Health Concerns
- BIZ - Bizarre Mentation
- ANG - Anger
- CYN - Cynicism
- ASP - Antisocial Practices
- TPA - Type A
- LSE - Low Self-Esteem
- SOD - Social Discomfort
- FAM - Family Problems
- WRK - Work Interference
- TRT - Negative Treatment Indicators
Supported languages:
- Polish
- English
Written for Przychodnia Psychiatryczna "Otmęt" w Krapkowicach.