
vscode plugin , auto generate comment for golang.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


GoComment is a plugin for vscode, auto generate for golang function, variable, struct comments. 使用默认模版可以生成满足golint要求的注释。可在vscode扩展插件中搜索 GoComment。 本仓库(https://github.com/0x00b/vscode-go-comment )是vscode版本,对应的goland版本地址 https://github.com/0x00b/golandanno

How to use

  • control + command + / (For windows: control + alt + /)

config template

    1. shift+command+p -> open setting (json)
    1. add line "functionTemplate": "// ${func_name} \n// @receiver ${receiver_name} \n// @param ${param_name} \n// @return ${return_name} ",
    1. add line "typeTemplate": "// ${type_name} "

推荐使用默认注释,满足Golang godoc注释规范,满足golint默认扫描规则。


godoc -http=localhost:6060

Getting started

How to install

1.vscode plugins marketplace(search GoComment)

special tag, represent beginning of a special line.

  • @receiver : golang function receiver
  • @param : golang function parameter
  • @return : golang function return parameter
  • @author : author name, or use ${git_name}
  • @date : use ${date}, if not set, use current date
  • @update : update tag, maybe config as "${git_name} ${date}", update "${date}" always

support variable

func (r receiver)Foo(i interface{}) (e error)
* ${func_name} : function name is "Foo".
* ${receiver_name} : will be replaced by "r".
* ${receiver_type} : will be replaced by "receiver".
* ${receiver_name_type} :  will be replaced by "r receiver".
* ${param_name} : "i"
* ${param_type} : "interface{}"
* ${param_name_type} : "i interface{}"
* ${return_name} : "e"
* ${return_type} : "error"
* ${return_name_type} : "e error"
* ${package_name} : package name
* ${type_name} : type Int int64,  ${type_name} is "Int"
* ${var_name} : var n int, ${var_name} is "n"
* ${var_type} : var n int, ${var_type} is "int"
* ${date} : date
* ${git_name}: git config name

how to build and publish

vsce login publisher #login first, if need
vsce package
vsce publish