
What it do - A bash script to restart apache if cpu load cross a certain threshold. You can edit script and perform any action if cpu load goes high. Simple change the line "/usr/sbin/service apache2 restart" with required action.
How to Use - Change threshold load value and set a cron for script and you are good to go.

What it do - A bash script to log top 10 processes cpu and memory wise in case of high load on server.
How to use - Change the load value and log directory path. Set the cron for this script and you are good to go.

What it do - A bash script which check in how many days certificate will expire. It take input as certificate path and number of days for which you want to check.
How to use - Replace the following values according to your requirement in the script


Example Use -

  • certificateExpiryChecker "/etc/letsencrypt/live/domainName/fullchain.pem" 30 You can use this line multiple times to get alerts for multiple domains.

What it do - A bash script to check if postfix email queue crossed a certain threshold and certain action can be taken accordingly.
How to use - Replace queueThreshold with your desired queue limit to monitor and run this script with a cron. Replace emailAlert value with your email.