
God decides that we need a library in 1337


Athena is comming to our school(1337KH) with blessing of god.

About the project

this project is intended to launch a library in 1337Kh sponsored by students and former students or anyone who believe in our skill and out potentials.


42 network have one the most effective cursus in the world. the people behind it are smart people and know what they are doing. while the cursus can teach you about some important technical areas in computer science, I am sure that it's not enough and 42 knows that. we should learn by ourselves.

With that in mind we think that we need a library where we can discover new things, learn more and boost our skills making 1337 proud of thier students.

the companies will be glad to see a 1.5 year student with to much knowlege about software architecture and design patterns ... those skills that a 1337 student would normally learn in the internship.

What books

there are some highly recommanded book in computer science that for sure we going to buy and have a priority over other things.

  • Design and architecture D&A is necessary to write code that human understand and I can test easily.

    • clean code: this book is the most popular book among developer and will help us improve readability and testability of your code which make a good programmer a good programmer.

    • pragmatic programmer: time is money this book will help you do you job in the most pragmatic way saving time (its good for beginners).

    • Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction: a nice addition to The Pragmatic Programmer, gives you the necessary framework to talk about code.

    • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software:

    • Refactoring:

  • Algo and Data Structure Algo&DS is so important skills to get some balls to take an interview with FAANG

    • Introduction to Algorithms: uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. The book covers a broad range of algorithms in depth

    • The Algorithm Design Manual: let's take some 1337kh to FAANG

  • Kernel we need some students to crack the universe and have no life Maher recommanded those books:

    • Understanding the linux kernel: no life
    • Linux Device Driver: no life
    • Linux Kernel development: no life
  • Languages we learn languages from videos and it's wrong learn from source:

    • the C programming language:
    • effictive C++:
    • Zero To Production In Rust:
    • rust for rustaceans:
    • Writing An Interpreter In Go:
    • this List is expandable

Where is the X book

Fell free to pull request and we will discuss the X book.