
Export your org-mode document to TaskJuggler3. A drop-in replacement for the TaskJuggler 2 exporter included with org-mode.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


The TaskJuggler exporter that is included with org-mode exports to TaskJuggler2. This is a slightly modified and improved version of that exporter (written and maintained by Christian Egli), that exports TaskJuggler3 projects.

Christian is in the process of incorporating some of these changes into the released version of the exporter, and making it compatible with both TasjJuggler2 and TaskJuggler3. In the meantime, I have a project that I’m trying to schedule! this is the version that I am using for my project.


This code is a drop-in replacement for the taskjuggler exporter in org-mode. Just load it after you load org, like this:

(require 'org)
(load-file "/path/to/org-tasjuggler3.el")

Sample File

Load the file sample-tj3.org, and export it with C-c e J. This will export the file to taskjuggler3, and generate some html files in the same directory as the .org file as output. Open Overview.html in a web browser to see the project overview.

Also, the sample file gives examples of all the changes (listed below) between the TaskJuggler2 exporter and this exporter.

Changes from the TaskJuggler2 exporter

Project gets its own node

  • In the TJ2 exporter, the project node is confused with the top task node. Now the project gets its own node, and supports appropriate project-level properties, specifically…
  • The project now respects an end date or a duration specified on the project node.
  • Identify this node with the tag taskjuggler_project (can be changed by customizing org-export-taskjuggler).

states become flags

  • The exporter now exports TODO states as flags so that you can use them to filter reports (eg generate a pending tasks or an in-progress tasks report)

Global node for reports and other globals

  • Added a globals node where you can put reports, and other global declarations.
  • Identify this node with the tasg taskjuggler_globals (can be changed by customizing org-export-taskjuggler).

Add TaskJuggler source code to any node

  • You can create a drawer called :TJ: on any exported node. Anything you put in there will be exported as TaskJuggler source code with that node. The idea is that if there is a feature that you want to use, but is not implemented in the exporter (for example, accounts), you can put still use org-mode to manage your project.

New sample reports

  • The sample reports from TaskJuggler2 don’t work in TaskJuggler3 because the reporting framework has been extensively rewritten. This release replaces the default reports with ones that work in TaskJuggler3. You can change or delete them by customizing org-export-taskjuggler.

Bug fixes

  • TaskJuggler3 won’t compile your project if leaf nodes cannot be scheduled (ie no start date or dependency, and no duration, effort or end date). The exporter will export these tasks with a duration of 1 day in order to make TaskJuggler3 happy. You can, of course, change this by giving the compiler the information it needs to schedule the leaf node.