
AWS lambda for SSRF testing

Primary LanguageHCL


AWS Lambda for SSRF testing (Similar to Burp Collaborator)

Example usage

Record HTTP request URL

Details will be permanently stored in DynamoDB.

curl "https://yfo4rqrd55.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rfping/SoMeTeStStRiNG"

Trigger a HTTP redirect

Details will be permanently stored in DynamoDB.

curl "https://yfo4rqrd55.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rfping/SoMeTeStStRiNG?code=302&location=http://evil.com/xxx"

List recorded HTTP requests

Access to list of recorded requests is limited to public IP from terraform launch

curl "https://yfo4rqrd55.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/rfping/SoMeTeStStRiNG" -X OPTIONS