archived, see instead
pg2arrow is a lightweight tool to parse PostgreSQL binary data into Apache Arrow.
This project is similar to and is heavily inspired by it. The main differences are the use of COPY
instead of FETCH
and that our implementation uses the Arrow C++ API.
usage: pg2parquet -d conninfo -q query -o output_file
for instance
pg2parquet -d postgresql://localhost/mytests -q "select * from minute_bars" -o test.parquet
General design is not too good
and a few other more esoteric ones -
python bindings
error handling
some tests / benchmarks would be nice
by a more efficient container for our use case: int64_t keys (really) with really small number of elements ?
Most common base types are supported. The following type map is used
PostgreSQL | Apache Arrow |
bool | bool_() |
bpchar | utf8() |
bytea | binary() |
date | date32() |
float4 | float32() |
float8 | float64() |
int2 | int16() |
int4 | int32() |
int8 | int64() |
interval | duration(TimeUnit::MICRO) |
json | utf8() |
jsonb | binary() |
serial2 | int16() |
serial4 | int32() |
serial8 | int64() |
text | utf8() |
time | time64(TimeUnit::MICRO) |
timestamp | timestamp(TimeUnit::MICRO) |
timestamptz | timestamp(TimeUnit::MICRO, "utc") |
uuid | fixed_size_binary(16) |
varchar | utf8() |
xml | utf8() |
SQL composite types are mapped to Arrow struct_(...)
SQL arrays are mapped to Arrow list_(...)
. Only 1D arrays are fully supported. Higher dimensional arrays will be flattened.