
Game status tracking repository for XnaToFna. Search for your game in the issues or create a new issue if you want to share the status of a game running via XnaToFna.

For a stable build of XnaToFna, click here.

For issues with XnaToFna itself, click here.


  • early crash
    • ![early crash](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x0ade/XnaToFna-Tracker/master/badges/earlycrash.png)
    • Crashes early; the game isn't playable at all.
  • heavy bugs
    • ![heavy bugs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x0ade/XnaToFna-Tracker/master/badges/heavybugs.png)
    • Has some heavy bugs, f.e. missing environment textures or game crashes after certain point.
  • playable with minor bugs
    • ![playable with minor bugs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x0ade/XnaToFna-Tracker/master/badges/minorbugs.png)
    • Has some minor bugs that hinder "perfect" gameplay, f.e. flickering textures. The game should be "finishable": Main game functionality should work and the "win condition", if any, should be reachable.
  • playable with no bugs
    • ![playable with no bugs](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x0ade/XnaToFna-Tracker/master/badges/nobugs.png)
    • Has virtually no bugs. The game is "perfectly" playable, but still requires some manual tweaks, dependency replacements or similar.
  • perfectly playable
    • ![perfectly playable](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x0ade/XnaToFna-Tracker/master/badges/perfect.png)
    • Has virtually no bugs. The game is "perfectly" playable and only requires XnaToFna. Passing arguments to XnaToFna is okay if required.

Example issue:

[Linux][x64] Some Game

URL: URL to the Steam Store or similar.

Game Version: Latest stable at Steam, date: 2017-09-13

XnaToFna Version: 17.09.1

playable with minor bugs

XnaToFna arguments: --anycpu

Description: This game is almost perfectly playable. Unfortunately it suffers from a minor glitch when enabling fullscreen mode and not restarting.

Changes required:

  • Rename content directory to Content (case sensitivity fix)
  • Compile the provided NativeCrap.dll stub source. On Linux, LD_PRELOAD it. URL to the source.
    • Alternatively, patch the P/Invokes in BindingCrap.dll.

Currently blocking progress:

  • Steam.dll (mixed-mode dependency)


  • URL to screenshot 1
  • URL to screenshot 2