
Avoid YT's new Age Restriction

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

No Restrictions

TL;DR | GitHub Page | YT Link converter


No Restrictions is a Tool for YouTube to avoid age restrictions. It is a JavaScript that should be executed on the nores website or the YouTube page that injects the direct video link into the player error page and thus displays the video. Credits to the guys at youtube-dl for figuring out how to get the direct video link, which is one of the main features of this program. You should definitely check out youtube-dl :D

NOTE: No Restrictions is still in a beta phase. It can only view age-restricted videos right now, but other videos are on my to-do list. :)


Via TamperMonke(y) - one time installation

Using NoRes via TamperMonkey is relatively easy. To install it, do the following:

  1. Install TamperMonkey for your browser:

  2. Install the NoRes userscript:

Aaaaand you're done. Now have fun watching some nasty things. I'd recommend Dead Meat for the beginning...

Via traditional methods - quick and easy

NOTE: Safari Users can only use Method 1/2.

There are 5 main ways to use No Restrictions:

  1. Use the No Restrictions Webpage. The easiest method, recommended if you dont want to use Web Injects.

  2. Use the No Restrictions Replacer URL. The fastest method, reccomended if you are lazy.

  3. Injecting the script with a special javascript: URL. Recommended for single-use for advanced users.

  4. Injecting the script with a Bookmark with a javascript: URL, a.k.a a Bookmarklet (short for Bookmarked JavaScript Applet). Recommended for repeated use for advanced users. This works basically everywhere.

  5. Pasting the script into the JavaScript Console of the Browser Development Tools, a.k.a Inspect Element. Only for advanced users. This works only on Development or Desktop browsers.

Installation / Injection

  • Method 1: Go to NoRes.ml/watch and paste the URL of a YouTube video into the popup and hit OK.

  • Method 2: Visit a YouTube video (for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) and replace the www.youtube.com (or youtube.com if there is no www) with www.nores.ml (for example https://www.nores.ml/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)

  • Method 3: Click on the URL bar of a YouTube tab, type javascript: (You HAVE to type it or this method WON'T WORK) and paste the text from the jsurl file or from below after the javascript: text, and hit Enter.

  • Method 4: You can create a Bookmarklet by importing a Netscape Bookmark File (supported by all modern desktop browsers and a few mobile browsers). Go to your browser's bookmarks page and click on Import Bookmarks (this might be hidden in a menu, for example in Chrome Desktop it's in the menu at the top right) and select Bookmarks.html. You can download the Bookmarks.html file here. Or you can manually create it by making a new Bookmark with the javascript: URL from the jsurl file or from below. Click on Create new Bookmark, enter No Restrictions as the name and enter the javascript: URL as the URL.

  • Method 5: Copy the main.js file into your console.


Try watching HowToBasic's How To Have S*x video [NSFW] on YouTube and on NoRestrictions :)


Bypass YTs Age Restrictions. Either use NoRes.ml/watch and paste the YouTube Video URL - or replace the www.youtube.com (or youtube.com if there is no www) with www.nores.ml on a YouTube Page - or use the 3nd method (Web Inject): Click on the URL bar of a YouTube tab, type javascript: (Type it or it WON'T WORK) and paste the code below and hit Enter.

The javascript: URL

function showButtons(buttons) { let html = '<div style="position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); text-align: center;"><h1>Available Formats:</h1>'; buttons.forEach((v) => { html += `<button onclick="replacePlayer(generateVideoHTML('${v.link}'))">${v.format}</button>`; }); html += "</div>"; replacePlayer(html); }; function generateVideoHTML(link) { return `<iframe allowfullscreen="true" src="${link}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;"></iframe>`; }; function replacePlayer(newHTML) { (document.querySelector("#error-screen > #container") != null ? document.querySelector("#error-screen > #container") : document.body).innerHTML = newHTML; }; (async function(data = "") { replacePlayer('<div style="position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); text-align: center;"><h1>Loading...</h1></div>'); if (data == "") { if (location.hostname.replace("www.","") == "youtube.com") { let videoID = location.href.match(/v\=[a-zA-z0-9-\_]{11}/)[0].toString().substring(2,13); data = await (await fetch("https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id="+videoID)).text(); } else { data = await (await fetch("http://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id="+prompt("You are not on YouTube, please enter a YouTube Video URL:").match(/v\=[a-zA-z0-9-\_]{11}/)[0].toString().substring(2,13))).text(); } }; let responseObject = {}; data.split("&").forEach((value) => { kv = value.split("="); responseObject[kv[0]] = unescape(kv[1]); }); let playerResponse = JSON.parse(responseObject.player_response); let availFormats = playerResponse.streamingData.formats; let buttons = []; availFormats.forEach((val) => { buttons.push({format: val.qualityLabel, link: val.url}); }); showButtons(buttons); })();