
Remove text from AI-generated images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

TL;DR: A Python library to remove unwanted pseudo-text from images generated by your favorite generative AI models (Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, DALL·E).

Before After
before after

So, why should I care?

We all know generative AI is the coolest thing since sliced bread 🍞.

But try using any off-the-shelf generative vision model and you'll quickly see that these systems can get... creative with interpreting your prompts.

Specifically, you'll observe all kinds of weird artifacts on your images from extra fingers on hands, to arms coming out of chests, to alien text written in random places.

For generative systems to actually be usable in downstream applications, we need to better control these outputs and mitigate unwanted effects.

We believe the next frontier for generative AI is about robustness and trust. In other words, how can we architect these systems to be controllable, relevant, and predictably consistent with our needs?

Detextify is the first phase in our vision of robustifying generative AI.

If we get this right, we will unlock slews of new applications for generative systems that will change the landscape of human-AI collaboration. 🌎

Cute, but what are you actually doing?

Detextify runs text detection on your image, masks the text boxes, and in-paints the masked regions until your image is text-free. Detextify can be run entirely on your local machine (using Paddle for text detection and Stable Diffusion for in-painting), or can call existing APIs (Azure for text detection and OpenAI or Replicate for in-painting).


# On a GPU-enabled machine
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
pip install detextify
# On a CPU-only machine
pip install paddlepaddle -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
pip install detextify


You can remove unwanted text from your image in just 5 lines 💪:

from detextify.paddle_text_detector import PaddleTextDetector
from detextify.inpainter import LocalSDInpainter
from detextify.detextifier import Detextifier

detextifier = Detextifier(PaddleTextDetector(), LocalSDInpainter())
detextifier.detextify("/my/input/image/path.png", "/my/output/image/path.png")

and 💣💥, just like that, your image is cleared of any bizarre text artifacts.

Or if you want to clean up a directory of PNG images, just wrap it in a for-loop:

import glob
from detextify.paddle_text_detector import PaddleTextDetector
from detextify.inpainter import LocalSDInpainter
from detextify.detextifier import Detextifier

detextifier = Detextifier(PaddleTextDetector(), LocalSDInpainter())
for img_file in glob.glob("/path/to/dir/*.png"):
    detextifier.detextify(img_file, img_file.replace(".png", "_detextified.png")

We provide multiple implementations for text detection and in-painting (both local and API-based), and you are also free to add your own.

Text Detectors

  1. PaddleTextDetector (based on PaddleOCR) runs locally.
  2. AzureTextDetector calls a computer vision API from Microsoft Azure. You will first need to create a Computer Vision resource via the Azure portal. Once created, take note of the endpoint and the key.
AZURE_CV_ENDPOINT = "https://your-endpoint.cognitiveservices.azure.com"
AZURE_CV_KEY = "your-azure-key"
text_detector = AzureTextDetector(AZURE_CV_ENDPOINT, AZURE_CV_KEY)

Our evaluation shows that the two text detectors produce comparable results.


  1. LocalSDInpainter (implemented via Huggingface's diffusers library) runs locally and requires a GPU. Defaults to Stable Diffusion v2 for in-painting.
  2. ReplicateSDInpainter calls the Replicate API. Defaults to Stable Diffusion v2 for in-painting (and requires an API key).
  3. DalleInpainter calls the DALL·E 2 API from OpenAI (and requires an API key).
# You only need to instantiate one of the following:
local_inpainter = LocalSDInpainter()
replicate_inpainter = ReplicateSDInpainter("your-replicate-key")
dalle_inpainter = DalleInpainter("your-openai-key")


To contribute, clone the repository, make your changes, commit and push to your clone, and submit a pull request.

To build the library, you need to install poetry:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Add poetry to your PATH. Note the specific path will differ depending on your system.
export PATH="/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:$PATH"
# Check the installation was successful:
poetry --version

Install dependencies for detextify:

poetry install

To execute a script, run:

poetry run python your_script.py

Please run the unit tests to make sure that your changes are not breaking the codebase:

poetry run pytest


This project was authored by Mihail Eric and Julia Turc. If you are building in the generative AI space, we want to hear from you!