
Discord bot that gives users a Bingo role on command. Then generates a gif of their pfp being crushed by a tombstone

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot that gives users a Bingo role on command. Then generates a gif of their pfp being crushed by a tombstone


  • Make sure you have Node.js installed
  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the working directory
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Make sure you have a Bingo role and an Admin role
  • Drag the bot's autogenerated role to the top of the role list
  • Drag the Bingo role anywhere below the bot's autogenerated role
  • Create a new file called config.json set the bot token an optional prefix
  "token": "bot token here",
  "prefix": "!",
  "ownerroleid": "exclusive role id here",
  "bingoroleid": "bingo role id here"

Bot token can be found here, click on your application, go to the bot tab, (create a bot user if you haven't already) and copy it's login token on the right sode of the screen. The role id only lets a certain role use the Bingo command. To find your role id, set role to me mentionable, mention the role with a backslash before the @ symbol. You should get a message that looks like <@&numbers> the numbers between the <@& and the > are what you want.


  • Just run npm start and you should be good!


  • <prefix>bingo <mention user (required)> <time (required)> <tombstone type (optional)> <nick name (optional)>
  • Bingo a user. Mention them, a time (ex. 1h, 1m, 10s), a tomb type ('default' is the only type. Add more by creating a file in the 'tombs' directory) and a nickname.
  • <prefix>permcheck <discord permission>
  • Check if bot has a permission. Used for debugging.