
Midtown Madness 2 Hook

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status

A simple DLL-injection module for hooking into Midtown Madness 2, allowing for further control of the game.

Also included are complimentary bug-fixes for random crashes, as well as a fix for the infamous heap overrun error.


Discord Rich Presence support for MM2Hook

  • Console output window

  • Lua scripting

  • Plugins (TODO)

    • Dynamically updates based on the state of your game (playing a race, cruising around, in the main menu, etc.)
    • Shows a thumbnail picture for default vehicles/cities
      • Thumbnail text shows the full name (mods included!)
    • May support Multiplayer in the future!


  1. Grab the latest version here.
  2. You'll need the latest version of Discord Rich Presence. Download it here, and grab discord-rpc.dll from the win32-dynamic\bin folder.
  3. Place all files in your Midtown Madness 2 installation directory and enjoy!


If you'd like to contribute to the project, please fork the project and submit a pull request.

All contributions are welcomed, including ones that fix something as simple as a typo.

Coding Style

Please use spaces instead of tabs, and try to keep your code consistent with the rest of the project.