
Welcome to my Internship Portfolio! This repository serves as a collection of all the internships I completed during my degree program. It provides an overview of the projects I worked on, the skills I acquired, and the experiences gained throughout my internships.

Internship Portfolio

Welcome to my Internship Portfolio! This repository serves as a collection of all the internships I completed during my degree program. It provides an overview of the projects I worked on, the skills I acquired, and the experiences gained throughout my internships.

Table of Contents

Internship Overview

This section provides a brief introduction to the purpose of this repository and the overall goal of your internship portfolio.

In pursuit of my degree, I completed a series of internships in various organizations. These internships allowed me to apply my academic knowledge to real-world scenarios, collaborate with professionals, and gain valuable industry experience. This repository aims to showcase my growth and development throughout these internships.

Folder Structure

The repository is organized using the following folder structure:

├── Internship 1
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── Code/
│   ├── Documentation/
│   ├── Screenshots/
│   └── ...
├── Internship 2
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── Code/
│   ├── Documentation/
│   ├── Screenshots/
│   └── ...
├── Internship 3
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── Code/
│   ├── Documentation/
│   ├── Screenshots/
│   └── ...
└── ...

Each internship is represented by a separate folder. Inside each internship folder, you'll find a README.md file to provide an overview of that specific internship, along with directories for code, documentation, screenshots, and any other relevant files.