
A grunt wrapper for composer

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

grunt-composer Build Status

A Grunt task wrapper for composer to allow custom tasks to be configured to run composer as needed.

Getting Started

Installing the plugin:

npm install grunt-composer --save-dev

Loading the plugin via JavaScript:


Then you should use the grunt.initConfig() function inside your Gruntfile like below:

    composer : {
        options : {
            usePhp: true,
            phpArgs: {
                someArg: 'custom'
            flags: ['arg'],
            cwd: 'packages/build',
            composerLocation: '/usr/bin/composer'



Type: Boolean Default value: false

This tells the plugin to execute php #{composerLocation}


Type: Array

This is an array of custom Composer CLI args, such as no-dev.
Note: This is bypassed if there are command options.


Type: Object

This is an object which you should use to send -D arguments to the php binary.


Type: String

This is the working directory, normally where the composer.json is located.


Type: String Defaut value: composer

The binary to use for composer if not installed globally.

If options.cwd is present, relative paths for options.coposerLocation are relative to that directory.

Running Composer Commands


The first argument passed to the composer task becomes the command to run. Arguments are passed to tasks in Grunt by separating them via a colon, :.

grunt composer:update

Is equivalent to:

composer update
Command Options

Any arguments passed to the composer task after the command will get converted into options for the command.

grunt composer:install:no-dev

Is equivalent to:

composer install --no-dev