
PHP Client for Neo4j with Enterprise Support

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GraphAware Neo4j PHP Client

An Enterprise Grade Client for Neo4j

Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

NB: This is the master development branch for 4.x (currently in Alpha), for previous versions refer to the 3.4 branch.


Neo4j-PHP-Client is the most advanced and flexible Neo4j Client for PHP.

What is Neo4j?

Neo4j is a transactional, open-source graph database. A graph database manages data in a connected data structure, capable of representing any kind of data in a very accessible way. Information is stored in nodes and relationships connecting them, both of which can have arbitrary properties. To learn more visit What is a Graph Database?

Key features

  • Supports multiple connections
  • Support for Bolt binary protocol
  • Built-in and automatic support for Neo4j Enterprise HA Master-Slave Mode with auto slaves fallback

Neo4j Version Support

Version Tested
<= 2.2.6 No
>= 2.2.6 Yes
2.2 Yes
2.3 Yes

Neo4j Feature Support

Feature Supported?
Auth Yes
Remote Cypher Yes
Transactions Yes
High Availability Yes
Embedded JVM support No
Binary Protocol Yes


  • PHP >= 5.6
  • A Neo4j database (minimum version 2.2.6)

Getting Help

You can:

Installation and basic usage


Add the library to your composer dependencies :

composer require graphaware/neo4j-php-client:^4.0@alpha

Require the composer autoloader, configure your connection by providing a connection alias and your connection settings :


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GraphAware\Neo4j\Client\ClientBuilder;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
    ->addConnection('default', 'http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474') // Example for HTTP connection configuration (port is optional)
    ->addConnection('bolt', 'bolt://neo4j:password@localhost:7687') // Example for BOLT connection configuration (port is optional)

You're now ready to connect to your database.

NB: The build method will process configuration settings and return you a Client instance.

Basic Usage

Sending a Cypher Query

$client->run("CREATE (n:Person)");

Sending a Cypher Query with parameters

$client->run("CREATE (n:Person) SET n += {infos}", ['infos' => ['name' => 'Ales', 'age' => 34]]);

Reading a Result

$result = $client->run("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n";
// a result contains always a collection (array) of Record objects

// get all records
$records = $result->getRecords();

// get the first or (if expected only one) the only record

$record = $result->getRecord();

A Record object contains the values of one record from your Cypher query :

$query = "MATCH (n:Person)-[:FOLLOWS]->(friend) RETURN n.name, collect(friend) as friends";
$result = $client->run($query);

foreach ($result->getRecords() as $record) {
    echo sprintf('Person name is : %s and has %d number of friends', $record->value('name'), count($record->value('friends'));

Cypher statements and Stacks

Ideally, you would stack your statements and issue them all at once in order to improve performance.

You can create Cypher statement stacks that act as a Bag and run this stack with the client, example :

$stack = $client->stack();

$stack->push('CREATE (n:Person {uuid: {uuid} })', ['uuid' => '123-fff']);
$stack->push('MATCH (n:Person {uuid: {uuid1} }), (n2:Person {uuid: {uuid2} }) MERGE (n)-[:FOLLOWS]->(n2)', ['uuid1' => '123-fff', 'uuid2' => '456-ddd']);

$results = $client->runStack($stack);

Tagging your Cypher statements

Sometimes, you may want to retrieve a specific result from a Stack, an easy way to do this is to tag your Cypher statements.

The tag is passed via the 3rd argument of the run or push methods :

$stack = $client->stack();

$stack->push('CREATE (n:Person {uuid: {uuid} })', ['uuid' => '123-fff'], 'user_create');
$stack->push('MATCH (n:Person {uuid: {uuid1} }), (n2:Person {uuid: {uuid2} }) MERGE (n)-[r:FOLLOWS]->(n2) RETURN id(r) as relId', ['uuid1' => '123-fff', 'uuid2' => '456-ddd'], 'user_follows');

$results = $client->runStack($stack);

$followResult = $results->get('user_follows');
$followRelationshipId = $followResult->getRecord()->value('relId');

Working with Result sets


The run method returns you a single Result object. Other methods where you can expect multiple results returns a ResultCollection object which is Traversable.

The Result object contains the records and the summary of the statement, the following methods are available in the API :

$result->firstRecord(); // Returns the first record of the Statement Result

$result->records(); // Returns all records

$result->summarize(); // Returns the ResultSummary


The ResultSummary contains the Statement, the Statistics and the QueryPlan if available :

$summary = $result->summarize();

$query = $summary->statement()->text();

$stats = $summary->updateStatistics();

$nodesUpdated = $stats->nodesUpdated();
$propertiesSet = $stats->propertiesSet();

// Does the statement affected the graph ?
$affected = $stats->containsUpdates();

Record Values

Each record contains one row of values returned by the Cypher query :

$query = "MATCH (n:Person) n, n.name as name, n.age as age";
$result = $client->run($query);

foreach ($result->records() as $record) {
    print_r($record->get('n'); // nodes returned are automatically hydrated to Node objects

    echo $record->value('name') . PHP_EOL;
    echo $record->value('age') . PHP_EOL;

The client takes care of the hydration of Graph objects to PHP Objects, so it is for Node, Relationship and Path :

  • labels() : returns an array of labels (string)
  • identity() : returns the internal ID of the node
  • values() : returns the properties of the node (array)
  • value($key) : returns the value for the given property key
  • hasLabel($label) : returns whether or not the node has the given label (boolean)
  • type() : returns the relationship type
  • identity() : returns the internal ID of the relationship
  • values() : returns the properties of the relationship (array)
  • value($key) : returns the value for the given property key
  • startNodeIdentity : returns the start node id
  • endNodeIdentity : returns the end node id

Working with Transactions

The Client provides a Transaction object that ease how you would work with transactions.

Creating a Transaction

$tx = $client->transaction();

At this stage, nothing has been sent to the server yet (the statement BEGIN has not been sent), this permits to stack queries or Stack objects before commiting them.

Stack a query

$tx->push("CREATE (n:Person) RETURN id(n)");

Again, until now nothing has been sent.

Run a query in a Transaction

Sometimes you want to get an immediate result of a statement inside the transaction, this can be done with the run method :

$result = $tx->run("CREATE (n:Person) SET n.name = {name} RETURN id(n)", ['name' => 'Michal']);

echo $result->getRecord()->value("id(n)");

If the transaction has not yet begun, the BEGIN of the transaction will be done automatically.

#### You can also push or run Stacks


$stack = $client->stack();
$stack->push('CREATE (n:Person {uuid: {uuid} })', ['uuid' => '123-fff']);
$stack->push('MATCH (n:Person {uuid: {uuid1} }), (n2:Person {uuid: {uuid2} }) MERGE (n)-[:FOLLOWS]->(n2)', ['uuid1' => '123-fff', 'uuid2' => '456-ddd']);

// or
$results = $tx->runStack($stack);

Commit and Rollback

if you have queued statements in your transaction (those added with the push methods) and you have finish your job, you can commit the transaction and receive the results :

$stack = $client->stack();
$stack->push('CREATE (n:Person {uuid: {uuid} })', ['uuid' => '123-fff']);
$stack->push('MATCH (n:Person {uuid: {uuid1} }), (n2:Person {uuid: {uuid2} }) MERGE (n)-[:FOLLOWS]->(n2)', ['uuid1' => '123-fff', 'uuid2' => '456-ddd']);

$tx->pushQuery("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)");

$results = $tx->commit();

After a commit, you will not be able to push or run statements in this transaction.



You can configure a global timeout for the connections :

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
    ->addConnection('default', 'http://localhost:7474')

The timeout by default is 5 seconds.


The library is released under the MIT License, refer to the LICENSE file bundled with this package.