
Simple x86/x86_64 instruction level obfuscator based on a basic SBI engine

Primary LanguageC++


Simple x86/x86_64 instruction level obfuscator based on a basic SBI engine

How it works

This is straight forward:

  • Create new section to hold the de-obfuscation blocks
  • Recursively disassemble all of the possible branches
  • Replace long instruction with a call to the appropriate block
  • Each block will decode/write/execute/clear the instruction at runtime


This really gonna mess up with the static code analysis making it almost impossible, consider using this code snippet:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    if (argc < 2){
        puts("Wrong number of arguments");
    } else {
        printf("Hello %s\n", argv[1]);

After compiling and using the obfuscator upon it, this is the difference between the main subroutine instructions before and after obfuscation


This will mislead any disassembler/decompiler to preview wrong output


  • Invalid out PE
    • The tool is basically a static binary instrumentation engine
    • The PE should be disassembled right if not, any changes made by the engine may break the binary
    • Any type of self modifying binaries will make the tool generate executables with undefined behavior
    • It may generate binaries with unexpected behavior but for now all of the tests shows it's very stable
  • Not fully disassembled
    • The engine uses recursive traversal disassembling starting from the entry point so a lot of branches won't be disassembled, like the branches accessed as statically undefined destination
    • To get over this problem, the tool will manipulate any of tls table, COFF symbol table, debug table (pdb file), exception table and export table if exists; to collect all of the possible subroutine entries
    • To have all of the branches obfuscated, make sure the binary is built with debug symbols not stripped
    • By default the tool will strip any of the debug symbols (COFF and debug tables)
  • Out binary properties
    • When fully obfuscated its size may reach 500% of the original size, the performance may reach 10% of the original performance and the obfuscated instruction will be 50-60% at x64 binaries and 20-30% at x86 binaries of the total number of the disassembled instructions
    • Obfuscation is hugely increased if the original binary is statically linked
    • Because the obfuscated instructions are built on the fly, trying to use x-referencing (an import or a string) will be useless even at runtime because the instruction will be removed once executed
  • Multi Threading
    • The problem with multi threaded executable is that two or more threads may have race condition over write/clear of the same instruction
    • The tool can efficiently handle this by using xchg instruction that has lock prefix by default to make sure this won't happen
  • De-obfuscation
    • Of course the generated PE can be de-obfuscated, but it requires a lot of work regarding decoding the instructions because every instruction decoding depends on the executing of the previous block so it can be decoded at runtime only
  • Development
    • The SBI engine uses the trampoline approach, so not all of the instructions are disassembled (only the long instructions)
    • To obfuscate 100% of the instructions, it should use int3 approach, so I'm going to work on this implementation
  • Other binaries types
    • For now it handles only PEs, but the same core and techniques can be applied for any other type


  • Download source with git clone --recursive https://github.com/d35ha/xObf
  • Download the binaries from the release section