
A reverse socks5 proxy server and client

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is RvPrxMx, a reverse socks5 proxy server as well as client.

It is by no means extensively tested or finished, caveat emptor.

Ideas, bug reports and patches are more than welcome.


It's really simple:

  1. Install the dependencies with go get https://github.com/armon/go-socks5 and go get https://github.com/inconshreveable/muxado

  2. Run mkcerts.sh in /srv to generate the SSL/TLS certificates. Warning - currently there is no cert validation or pinning in the client, so the connection can still be man-in-the-middled.

  3. Edit the config.json in /srv, execute go build in the directory and run.

  4. execute go build in /cln and run.

See how it makes a connection, open the specified HTTP service on your /srv machine to see a JSON representation of your client, then use a socks5 proxy software to connect and get your traffic tunneled.

Todo & Ideas

  • Reconnect option for client
  • security for the web service via auth and/or whitelist
  • connection throttle / flood control/bandwith usage

