DarkVoid: A weekly blog on Void Linux for nefarious uses.

About DarkVoid

Void Linux is a 'General Purpose' GNU/Linux Operating System. It uses runit as an init system and muslc (glibc versions are available), which makes for a lightning fast system. After the initial install you're left with a bare bones Linux distribution which is very pliable. I believe that fragmenting distros for single uses (ie. pentesting) is only making the Linux community more of a hostile environment to new users. This blog is dedicated to turning my favorite Linux distribution in to anything you want. A dedicated hacking box, a media streaming pirate server, an OSINT information gathering system, and much more. If you have any questions please reach out to me 0x29a@null.net.

Any Donations will be used to purchase a domain and host more content.

Episode 1 - Metasploit Installation

Episode 2 - Fuzzers and ExploitDB

Episode 3 - Jellyfin Media Server & Pirate Box

Episode 4 - BurpSuite, Web Applications & Databases

Episode 5 - Ricing/Customizing the look of Void Linux

Episode 6 - WiFi Hacking, Cracking, and Attacking

Copyright © 2021 0x29aNull