
A framework to bootstrap ChibiOS HAL + FreeRTOS/ChibiOS RT for STM32F1XX boards

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Opus Framework

Project archived, I have no time to continue this project, there is plenty of options nowadays.

This framework was created initially to quickly bootstrap a ChibiOS project for STM32F103 boards, later, I needed to add FreeRTOS as the OS while still using the ChibiOS HAL, now this project is the sum up of these 2 technologies. You can use FreeRTOS or ChibiOS-RT as RT. It is focused on STM32F103 boards, but Cortex M0 and M3 are probably compatible(FreeRTOS kernel has been modified for these 2 architectures). Modifying it to work on other boards/CPUs is pretty easy though.

I also added dapboot support as a USB DFU bootloader.

Note: I'm using custom repos for ChibiOS and FreeRTOS, in the ChibiOS I added some drivers and FreeRTOS support, and in the FreeRTOS I added support for ChibiOS OSAL.


While ChibiOS HAL is easy to use, you have to configure the drivers, and sometimes this can be a pain, this framework already has some of these drivers configured and ready to use.

Already configured Drivers

  • Serial
  • Software Serial1
  • USB Serial
  • MFS

Creating a project

bash <(curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x3333/opus/master/res/create)

It will ask for a project name and which RTOS to use(FreeRTOS or ChibiOS-RT), and a folder with the project name will be created.

Note: As the ChibiOS and FreeRTOS repos are quite big, I'm using git shallow clone to reduce the history to the last 500 revisions. You can increase depth using git fetch --depth=DESIRED_DEPTH or git fetch --unshallow to unshallow the repo.

Folder organization

--+ Project
  | ---+ app
  |    | ---+ src
  |    |    | ---+ app.c
  |    | ---+ inc
  |    |    | ---+ app.h
  |    |    | ---+ appconf.h
  |    | ---+ app.mk
  | ---+ lib
  |    | ---+ chibios
  |    | ---+ dapboot
  |    | ---+ freertos
  |    | ---+ opus
  | ---+ out
  | ---+ Makefile
  • app folder contains your project source code.
  • lib folder contains all libraries used in your project, like FreeRTOS, ChibiOS, and dapboot. They are configured using git submodules.
  • out folder contains build-generated files, including your ELF file.
  • app.mk file is included in the Makefile and can be used to customize the build. Also, you can provide command-line variables to the make command to customize the build, more on Building section. You can change your RTOS of choice too.


The application drivers and stuff are configured using some defines in appconf.h file, it's well documented. Also, you have some options in the app.mk file.


To build your project you need make. The provided Makefile is ready to build and flash your project.


  • make / make all will build your project.
  • make flash will flash your board.
  • make erase will erase your board.
  • make gdb will start GDB, only available on BlackMagic Probe or STLINK.
  • make boot will build and flash the dapboot bootloader(Flash will use the already defined programmer).


The included Makefile can upload your code using 3 probes, BlackMagic Probe(great tool!), which includes a GDB server to debug your code, an OOCD/STLINK probe or a USB DFU Bootloader.

You must provide an env variable PROGRAMMER to specify the programmer you want to use(See sections below to know which value to use).

Black Magic Probe

The BMP programmer/debugger can be used by exporting PROGRAMMER=BMP. You also need to export the BMP port to use, like BMP_PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodemXXXXXXXXX.


To use the STLINK probe you must export PROGRAMMER=STLINK and provide the OOCD folder with OOCD_HOME=/home/user/gnu-mcu-eclipse/openocd/latest. You also have to configure the interface and the target, these two can be configured by exporting OOCD_INTERFACE and OOCD_TARGET, they already have default values on app.mk file.

USB DFU Bootloader

Opus Framework includes the dapboot USB DFU bootloader. You can upload the firmware using it instead of an external programmer or JTAG probe.

To use the bootloader, export PROGRAMMER=BOOTLOADER.

To keep making the bootloader wait after powering up, the easiest way is to configure an I/O as a BUTTON, then you can easily upload your code.

To build the bootloader, use the make boot. Options you can provide(See app.mk for examples):

  • BL_DEFS: Some defines to be passed to the bootloader build, like enabling button.
  • BL_APP_BASE_ADDRESS: This is the base address of your application.


You can erase your board using the erase target of Makefile.



You have some macros available to help with some common tasks.


  • STRINGIFY: Resolve a define to a quoted string. (If undefined, the name of the define.).
  • NL: Will append \r\n to the provided parameter, ie. DEBUG(NL("Thread started..."));
  • FORCE_INLINE: Will force function to be inlined.
  • UNUSED: To avoid warnings about unused parameters while compiling.


You can debug your code using a BMP probe using Visual Studio Code. The project already has a configuration for this purpose.

You can also debug using a serial port using these macros:

  • DEBUG(fmt, va_args): Same as printf signature.
  • DEBUG_FUNC(): Will print the file, line, and function name.
  • DEBUG_BYTE(prefix, bit, suffix): Will print every bit in the provided byte(8 bits).
  • DEBUG_WORD(prefix, bit, suffix): Will print every bit in the provided word(16 bits).
  • DEBUG_DWORD(prefix, bit, suffix): Will print every bit in the provided byte(32 bits).
  • FIX_FOR_RELEASE(stmt): Accept a statement as a parameter and will print an error when building for release(OP_DEBUG not defined), ie. FIX_FOR_RELEASE(TIMER->SR = 0);.


  • 1: Software Serial driver is implemented in my custom ChibiOS mirror, the original driver has not been merged in the ChibiOS repo.
  • 2: Export MAKEFLAGS=-jX, where X is the number of CPUs you have to build faster.