
A command line tool to batch colorize labels on a GitHub repository.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub Label Processor

Our bot creates and modifies many labels. This tool is used to manage them. You can use regular expressions to select labels.

Help Menu Preview

Label Processor

  Batch operations on GitHub labels.


  -?, --help                Help menu.
  -o, --owner string        Owner or organization hosting the target
  -r, --repository string   Target repository name.
  -c, --color string        Color to use for the label. Must be a six character
                            CSS color string, without the `#` prefix, like
  -e, --regex string        Regex filter to search for.
  --tool string             Custom scripts with more advanced logic.
  -x, --execute             Execute destructive command (e.g. delete label).
                            Otherwise, just print the dry run.

  Copyright 2023

Note: you must include the owner and repository name in the command line arguments, or it will throw an error.


yarn start --tool colorize-labels --owner ubiquity --repository devpool-directory --color ededed

Check the src/tools directory for more tools.