
Estimates how long the contributor spent working on their pull based on clustering the commit times.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pull Request Work Time Estimator

A CLI tool to estimate the active hours spent on a GitHub pull request. This tool fetches the commits associated with a specified pull request and calculates the active hours based on commit activity, rounding to the nearest half-hour interval.


  • Node.js
  • yarn


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/0x4007/pull-time-estimator.git
    cd pull-time-estimator
  2. Install the dependencies:

    yarn install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your GitHub token:



npx tsx build -u <GitHub Pull Request URL>


npx tsx build -u https://github.com/ubiquibot/command-query-user/pull/6


  • -u, --url <url>: GitHub pull request URL (required)

How It Works

  1. Fetch Commits: The tool fetches all commits associated with the specified pull request.
  2. Calculate Time Differences: It calculates the time differences between consecutive commits.
  3. Clustering: Using the DBSCAN algorithm, it clusters the commit activities based on time differences.
  4. Calculate Active Hours: It sums up the time spent on each cluster and converts it into hours.
  5. Round to Nearest Half-Hour: The total active hours are rounded to the nearest half-hour interval.