
It's a simple class for creating JSON configurations files Minecraft.

Primary LanguageJava


It's a simple class for creating JSON configurations files Minecraft.

How to use



Copy SmartConfiguration.java in your Plugin.

Use SmartConfiguration


Register SmartConfiguration in your Minecraft plugin.

Put SmartConfiguration.register(this) in your onEnable().

public void onEnable() {

Create serializable Java class.

Create Java class than extends of SmartConfiguration.

In constructor initialize default values when JSON file is created.

Use update(this) method in setters for automatically update JSON file.

public class ConfigurationExample extends SmartConfiguration<ConfigurationExample>{
    private boolean pvpMode;
    private String mapName;
    private List<String> questList;

    public ConfigurationExample() {
        super("config.json", ConfigurationExample.class);
        this.pvpMode = true;
        this.mapName = "default-world";
        this.questList = new ArrayList<>();

    public boolean isPvpMode() {
        return pvpMode;

    public String getMapName() {
        return mapName;

    public List<String> getQuestList() {
        return questList;

    public void setMapName(String mapName) {
        this.mapName = mapName;

Load configuration.

Put in variable new ConfigurationExample().load() in your onEnable().

And now you can use simply your configuration with your getters and setters.

private ConfigurationExample configuration;

public void onEnable() {
    this.configuration = new ConfigurationExample().load();

Result in JSON.

  "pvpMode": true,
  "mapName": "default-world",
  "questList": []