
Link shortener for mattcraig.tech

Primary LanguageRust


This website is written for Cloudflare Workers using Rust and the workers-rs crate. Cloudflare workers is a serverless, "function as a service" (FaaS) platform that runs across distributed data centers.

It redirects from shortened links to their full counterparts. Links are defined in Workers KV, a serverless key-value store on the edge.


With wrangler CLI, you can build, test, and deploy to Workers with the following commands:

# compiles project to WebAssembly and will warn of any issues
wrangler build 

# runs Worker in an ideal development workflow (with a local server, file watcher & more)
wrangler dev

# deploys Worker globally to Cloudflare
wrangler publish

You will need to generate your own KV namespace and replace the values in wrangler.toml.

# creates a preview namespace
wrangler kv:namespace create "LINKS" --preview

# creates a production namespace
wrangler kv:namespace create "LINKS"

You can choose a name other than LINKS for your namespace, but be sure to update the KV access in libs.rs.

You may also want to change the name of your worker in wrangler.toml.

Continuous Deployment

This repository includes a Github Workflow that automatically publishes the latest version of the master branch on every push.

For CD to work properly with the wrangler CLI, you must set up repository secrets named CF_ACCOUNT_ID and CF_API_TOKEN with your Cloudflare account ID and API token as described in the wrangler system environment variables guide.