SQS Lambda Trigger Example

This repository showcases the new SQS lambda triggers with the serverless framework on AWS.


  • Have nodejs v6.5.0+ and npm installed
  • Have serverless framework (1.28+) installed (npm install -g serverless)
  • Have your aws credentials setup


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install on the project's directory


There are three lambda functions included in the project. The first two, pushToQueue and pushBatchToQueue are rest endpoints that can be used to push a single message and a message batch respectively.

The last function, queueProcessMessage, will be triggered when a new message is detected in the SQS queue. Keep in mind SQS is poll based so it might take a couple of seconds before this happens.


Grab the pushToQueue endpoint URL after deploying the service using serverless deploy and then make a post request including a plain text message you want to push to the SQS Queue:

curl -X POST ENDPOINT_URL_HERE/pushToQueue -d "Sample Message" -H 'Content-Type: text/plain'

The message will be logged to cloudwatch.


Grab the pushBatchToQueue endpoint URL after deploying the service using serverless deploy and then make a post request including a JSON array of messages you want to push to the SQS Queue:

curl -X POST ENDPOINT_URL_HERE/pushBatchToQueue -d '[{"firstName": "Jon", "lastName": "Snow"}, {"firstName": "Luke", "lastName": "Skywalker"}]' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The messages will be logged to cloudwatch.

Clean up

All of the resources created by the deployment of this project can be cleaned using serverless remove as stated in the serverless framework documentation.