
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Asset download tool specifically written for Retro-CMS


This application is a command line tool, therefor to use it, open a terminal and navigate to te folder which holds RetroDownloader.exe. You can run RetroDownloader.exe --help for a overview of available commands.

.\RetroDownloader.exe --help
RetroDownloader 1.0.0

  -v, --verbose      (Default: false) Output debug stdout information.

  -o, --out          (Default: .) Set the output folder.

  -b, --build        (Default: latest) Build version of Game, found at https://habboassets.com/swfs.

  -a, --agent        (Default: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/534.2.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.822.0 Safari/534.2.1) Set custom user agent.

  -w, --workers      (Default: 2) Total concurrent downloaders used for downloading data.

  -e, --embeddir     (Default: ) Manipulate the embedded directory. Delimiter: ";". See Readme.

  -R, --articles     Download Articles.

  -B, --badges       Download Badges.

  -C, --clothing     Download Clothing.

  -E, --effects      Download effects.

  -F, --furniture    Download Furniture.

  -O, --gordon       Download gordon data.

  -G, --gamedata     Download gamedata.

  -H, --hotelview    Download hotelview.

  -P, --parts        Download Badgeparts.

  -T, --pets         Download Pets.

  -S, --sound        Download Sound.

  -Q, --quests       Download Quests.

  -I, --archive      Download Archive.

  -L, --catalog      Download Catalog Icons.

  -A, --all          Download All.

  --help             Display this help screen.

For example, to download all files to the relative directory ./tmp with 25 workers,

RetroDownloader.exe -A --out ./tmp -v -w 25

Advance usage Python

Believe it or not, This application also provides an entrypoint for Python. It's a bit more strict with parameters, but it totally works.

Install the python library pythonnet -> pip install pythonnet. The following snippet is how you could utilize the provided .DLL within your python snippet.

# -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Official wrapper for: https://github.com/0x78f1935/Retro-Downloader
# ---------------
# """
from pythonnet import load

import clr
import sys
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath

# Directory Path to RetroDownloader.dll. (Not the file itself)
assembly_path = PurePosixPath(Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent).as_posix()


from RetroDownloader import Application

class DownloadWrapper(Application):
    def __init__(
        debug: bool,
        outputPath: str,
        buildVersion: str,
        agent: str,
        maxConcurrentWorkers: int,
        downloadAll: bool,
        doArticles: bool,
        doBadges: bool,
        doClothing: bool,
        doEffects: bool,
        doFurniture: bool,
        doGamedata: bool,
        doGordon: bool,
        doHotelView: bool,
        doParts: bool,
        doPets: bool,
        doSound: bool,
        doQuest: bool,
        doArchive: bool,
        doCatalog: bool,
        embeddir: str
    ) -> None:
        Python wrapper for RetroDownloader. All arguments must be provided. Otherwise it won't work.
            debug (bool): When True stdout will contain verbose messages,
            outputPath (str): Path which will be used to download files to,
            buildVersion (str): Build version of Game, found at https://habboassets.com/swfs,
            agent (str): User agent,
            maxConcurrentWorkers (int): Total concurrent workers which download the download queue,
            downloadAll (bool): When True, download all other parameters,
            doArticles (bool): Download Articles,
            doBadges (bool): Download Badges,
            doClothing (bool): Download Clothing,
            doEffects (bool): Download Effects,
            doFurniture (bool): Download Furniture,
            doGamedata (bool): Download GameData,
            doGordon (bool): Download Gordon production data,
            doHotelView (bool): Download Hotel Views,
            doParts (bool): Download Badgeparts,
            doPets (bool): Download Pets,
            doSound (bool): Download Sounds,
            doQuest (bool): Download Quests,
            doArchive (bool): Download Archive
            doCatalog (bool): Download Catalog Icons
            embeddir (str): Set subdir in embedded application
        args = (
        Application.WrapperEntrypoint(*args)  # Starts download

    def is_running(self):
        Indicate if the program is actively running
        return Application.isRunning

For an example on how to utilize the code snippet above, please refer to this specific line in the source code of the CMS.


Shortcut Flag Type Description
-v --verbose bool Output debug stdout information. Can be very noisy.
-o --out string Set the output folder where the downloaded files will be downloaded to.
-b --build string Build version of Game, found at habbo-assets. When set to "latest" the downloader will download the latest version.
-a --agent string Set a custom user agent, defaults to: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/534.2.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.822.0 Safari/534.2.1
-w --workers int The more workers you have, the faster your download goes. should be thread safe.
-e --embeddir string If you desire to embed this application, there is a chance the application is unable to find the Resources folder. For example, If you start a main thread in /myApp and the dll is located in /myApp/tools/RetroDownloader/RetroDownloader.dll, you might want to use this option. The DLL will in this case error because it's unable to find the Resources folder located in /myApp/Resources. Why is the DLL looking in /myApp and not in /myApp/tools/RetroDownloader? The main thread started in the /myApp location. A hacky way is to start the main application in the /myApp/tools/RetroDownloader by just adding cd../../.. && <start application>, but this won't work in all situations. embeddir generates a path between te Resource folder and the application based on the delimiter ;. To fix our situation in the example we simply assign this parameter with the value tools;RetroDownloader. The DLL will do the rest which looks something like this: /myApp/<embeddir>/Resources -> /myApp/tools/RetroDownloader/Resources.
-R --articles bool Download all available articles
-B --badges bool Download all available badges
-C --clothing bool Download all available clothing
-E --effects bool Download all available effects
-F --furniture bool Download all available furniture
-O --gordon bool Download all available production data
-G --gamedata bool Download all available gamedata
-H --hotelview bool Download all available hotel views
-P --parts bool Download all available badge parts
-T --pets bool Download all available pet assets
-S --sound bool Download all available mp3 assets
-Q --quests bool Download all available quest assets
-I --archive bool Download all available archived assets
-L --catalog bool Download all available catalog icon assets
-A --all bool Download all available assets. When set, other capital parameters will be ignored.