
Visualization of Mandelbrot set on NVIDIA GPU

Primary LanguageRust

Example of the set

Mandelbrot set

Visualization of Mandelbrot set on NVIDIA CUDA.


  • Multi-threaded rendering
  • Native NVIDIA GPU support
  • Coloring a fractal with a given gradient
  • Zooming a fractal to a certain point by 10^15 times
  • Anti-aliasing

Known Limitations:

  • Images can only be generated with an aspect ratio of 1:1
  • Scaling is limited by float64 accuracy


Build the project. Make sure you have CUDA installed.

$ cargo build --release

Run program:

$ ./target/release/mandelbrot_set \
    --resolution 1024 \
    --colors "#00A3BC, #8B00BD, #81BD00, #BD5400" \
    --x -0.6582034218739634 \
    --y 0.44967917993930356 \
    --iters 5000 \
    --max-scale 1000000000000000 \
    --fps 24 \
    --seconds 180 \
    --n-samples 8 \
    --output ./output


  • --resolution - resolution of the image
  • --colors - gradient colors in hex format
  • --x - x-coordinate for the zoom
  • --y - y-coordinate for the zoom
  • --iters - number of iterations
  • --max-scale - maximum scale of the fractal
  • --fps - frames per second
  • --seconds - duration of the video
  • --n-samples - number of samples for anti-aliasing
  • --output - output directory for the frames

Merge the frames into one video via ffmpeg:

$ ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i output/frame_%09d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 18 -y video.mp4