The website for the 0x90skids CTF team.
The 0x90skids website is build using Jekyll a static web generator. Jekyll enables you to write site content in markdown and generate static web pages. It also enables you to run a simple local development server to live preview changes. See Editing Locally with Jekyll for installation instructions.
- _chals: contains individual markdown ctf challenges, generated on the /ctf past
- _data: contains the links for the navivation bar
- _includes: contains the html code for items like headers, footers, navbar, ect
- _layouts: contains the html for page layouts like post pages, the home page, the ctf page, ect
- _posts: contains markdown files for blog posts (i.e ctf writeups)
- _sass: contains custom css files
- _site: contains the statically generated jekyll content
- _assets: contains css, favicons, images, ect
- nodes_modules: contains bootstrap data
- Clone the repository
git clone
- cd into cloned directory
- Install dependencies
Running the development server locally requires ruby and bundle.
On MacOS X these can be installed with brew :
brew install ruby
On Ubuntu, this can be installed via apt :
sudo apt install ruby ruby-bundler ruby-dev
- Install the required dependencies
bundle install
- Checkout the dev branch
git checkout dev
- Launch development server
jekyll serve
You might have to start the development server with bundle exec
bundle exec jekyll serve
Make edits to the development branch. You can preview changes live by visiting
Any pull requests into the master branch will automatically trigger Netlify to build the site. Build status will be shown in the pull request, and can be seen with the Netlify build badge.
Posts are held in the _posts directory
CTF writeups are held in the _posts/ctf directory
To create a new writeup, create a new markdown file in the writeup directory and add the necessary frontmatter content to the top
- ctf
- writeup
- Update the frontmatter variables with the necessary information and merge to master branch
Markdown files in the _chals directory are statically generated into the custom /ctf page using the ctf html layout located in _layouts/ctf.html. In order to properly render these md files, a series of {{if}} .... {{else}} liquid tags in ctf.html are used to categoriese and display the challenges.
Because of these tags, it's very impoartant to fill out the appropriate frontmatter information on the md file.
How to add chals to the ctf page
Create a new challenge md file in the _chals directory
Edit the necessary frontmatter tags.
layout: default
title: your-title
category: web
author: your-name
description: your-description
image: /assets/img/header-image-name
tip: none
popup: true
popupcontent: your-content
summary: your-summary
Frontmatter details
layout: must be default
title: can be anything you want
category: must be lowercase, can only be one of the following. Open a feature request for more categories
- web
- pwn
- rev
- crypto
- misc
Frontmatter options
front matter | content |
author | can be anything you want |
date | takes format 2020-07-14 01:00 +0700 |
modified | takes format 2020-07-14 01:00 +0700 |
description | can be anything you want |
link | this is optional, if you do not need a link then use "none" |
image | this is optional, if you do not want to display a header image then using "none" will create a simple card. Supplying an image path here will result in a header image card being generated. Images here take the path /assets/img/image-name.png |
tip | not implemented yet, leave as none |
popup | optional, if you want a popup modal box, then use "true", if not, leave "false" |
popupcontent | if you want a popup, place your popup content here, otherwise, leave blank |
summary | used for twitter card preview. Leave blank if desired |
readme details comming soon
Clean the site cache with jekyll clean
jekyll clean
Powered by Klisé, a minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal site and blog running on Jekyll.
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