
Collection of Android and Java related questions and topics to know

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Collaboration Rules

Make sure your question is new and unique - not just rephrasing a previously existing question. If possible, include a link to the solution/topic. Questions should be fairly straightforward and completely technical (no "how many golf balls are in America" questions.) If there is a new topic that you think should be included, then include it!


General Developer Questions

  • How familiar you are with the Android and Google Guidelines?
  • Describe Test-Driven Development. [info]
  • Explain unit tests versus functional tests.
  • Describe Scrum and Kanban.
  • What project management tools have you used?
  • How do you ensure that you are working efficiently?
  • Do you have basic familiarity with working on the command line i.e. Gradle, Ant, or the Java Compiler?

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Explain object serialization and how to implement it in Java.
  • Explain anonymous classes. [info]
  • Describe the differences between abstract classes and interfaces. [info]
  • Explain what a Singleton class is and how to create one in Java [info]
  • Why should the equals() and hashCode() methods often be overridden together? [info]
  • How do you properly override the equals() method? For example, what considerations should be taken when checking for equality? [info]
  • Difference between final, finally and finalize?
  • In Java, does the finally block gets executed if we insert a return statement inside the try block of a try-catch-finally?

Data Structures

  • What are the use cases and differences of arrays and ArrayLists?
  • What are the use cases and differences of a HashSet and a TreeSet?

Build Tools

  • Have you used any Ant, Maven, Gradle features for your project?

Programming Paradigms

  • Explain event-driven programming in Java [info]
  • What is Java's Garbage Collection and how does it help you as a developer?
  • How can you typecast in Java? [info]
  • Explain Java's try-catch-finally paradigm [info]

Core Android

  • How does the Android notification system work?
  • How can two distinct Android apps interact? (several answers)
  • Describe Activities. [info]
  • What are the four states of the Activity Lifecycle? [active/running, paused, stopped, destroyed]
  • What are the seven callback methods of an Activity used to perform operations when the Activity transitions between states? [onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onRestart(), onDestroy()]
  • What is the difference between a fragment and an activity? Explain the relationship between the two.
  • What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable? Which is the best approach in Android?
  • What are "launch modes"?
  • What are Intents? [info]
  • What is an Implicit Intent? [info]
  • What is an Explicit Intent? [info]
  • Describe three common use cases for using an Intent.
  • What is a Service? [info]
  • What is a ContentProvider and what is it typically used for? [info]
  • What is a Fragment? [info]
  • What is ADB?
  • What is ANR?
  • What is AndroidManifest.xml used for? Give examples of what kind of data you would add to it. [info]
  • Describe how broadcasts and intents work to be able to pass messages around your app.[info]
  • What is the Dalvik Virtual Machine?
  • What are different ways to store data in your Android app? [info]
  • Android appplication components [info]
  • What is the relationship between the life cycle of an AsyncTask and an Activity? What problems can this result in? How can these problems be avoided?
  • What is the difference between Service and IntentService? How is each used?
  • What is a Sticky Intent?

Android Design and XML

  • Explain the differences and similarities of Relative Layout and Linear Layout.
  • Explain the differences and similarities of List Views and Grid Views.
  • Describe how to implement XML namespaces.
  • Explain how to present different styles/drawables for a button depending on the state of the button (pressed, selected, etc.) using XML (no Java) [info]
  • for layout_width and layout_height, what's the difference between match_parent and wrap_content?
  • How do you implement Google's new Material Design in an Android application? [info]
  • Difference between View.GONE and View.INVISIBLE?

Android Networking


  • Why does Android use SQLite?
  • What libraries have you used for interacting with databases and why did you choose them?
  • What are contract classes? [info]
  • How do you use the BaseColumns interface to describe your data schema? [info]