Memory scanner project for Linux distributions with GUI based on Qt framework
clone or download source code
go to directory that contains source code
open terminal and ececute following commands
- first of all make sure that you have all required dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default $ sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake
- build project in this way:
$ qmake $ make
- or this (shadow build):
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ qmake ../ $ make
after all just execute
$ sudo ./ProcessMemoryScanner
in terminal
- several supported types: int, float, double, short, long
- several search types: equals to, less then, greater than, increased, decreased, changed, unchanged
- fix incomplete displayed process name in TaskWidget
- fix failure in large processes (out_of_range pointer issue)
- add opportunitie to search in certain memory regions (only in stack and heap for example)
- bind progress bar with search event (yeap, it's just added to gui yet)
- add embedded hex editor to see all available memory regions
- make it crossplatform. Simply extend abstract classes and reimplement platform specific methods