
The front-end (pure HTML/CSS) of Trust Wallet official website with some changes and without the help of the original source code (100% own coding)

Primary LanguageHTML

Trust Wallet Website Front-end

The front-end (pure HTML/CSS) of Trust Wallet official website with some changes and without the help of the original source code (100% own coding).

Project Description

This website (front-end only) which is single-page and responsive for the all devices, is actually the official website of Trust Wallet which I have made with a few changes (I will mention some of them below) in the UI and without the help of the official website source codes, as I coded the HTML/CSS project.

Features and Capabilities

As I said above, I developed this website single-page, so I tried to put the important parts of each of the different pages of the official website in the main section of this website, except for the header and footer sections. Some minor differences between this website and the official website:

  • Different design of Trust Wallet logo and name and the navbar in the header
  • Making animations for images related to Trust Wallet app environment
  • Different design of box-model for the features section and the each chain-coin in the supported chains sections

Technology Stack

My Enhanced Skills

  • Mastery in HTML/CSS
  • Blocking and scoping HTML elements
  • Working with CSS grid and flexbox
  • Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Website Environment