Ascii Video Player with True Color support that runs in any modern Console.
📄 Notes :-
- FFmpeg should be in Path.
- If you are getting low fps in color mode then try using kitty terminal, it's blazing fast!
⚡ Installation :-
git clone
cd asskii-player && cmake . && make -j 4
sudo cp asskii-player /usr/bin/asskii-player
cd .. && rm -r asskii-player
🗑️ Uninstallation :-
sudo rm /usr/bin/asskii-player
💡 Usage :-
./asski-player [video path] <optional arguments>
-w & -h --> Set Frame Width & Height (defaults are -w 80 -h 45)
--color --> Display the Video in 24-bit Colors (Slow on some Terminals)
--block --> Specify the character to use as pixel in Color Mode (default is #)
(ignored in non-color mode)
--shades --> Specify the number of ascii shades (default is 32)
(ignored in color mode)
--nobg --> Does not print the background black.
--noclr --> Preserve the last frame after playing.
Note : Unknown Arguments are silently ignored.
📃 Roadmap :-
- Extract video frames using ffmpeg.
✔️ - Pipe the frames into the program.
✔️ - Display the frames as ascii art on console
✔️ with optional --color.✔️ - Audio Support with SDL2_Mixer maybe ?
🕐 - Playback control using keyboard.
🕐 - Unicode Mode using Block Characters for higher resolution.