
ELK playground for OpsSchool logging sessions

Getting Started

  1. Clone the project

    git clone https://github.com/yahel2410/opsschool-logging
    cd opsschool-logging
  2. Create a file called terraform.tfvars with the required variables (replace <> with your values):

    aws_account_id = "<>"
    aws_region     = "<>"
    ssh_key_name   = "<>"        # ec2 key-pair name
    prefix_name    = "<>"        # your name
    aws_profile    = "<>"        # optional
  3. Run

    terraform init
    terraform apply
  4. If everything went well, terraform will output the public ip of the instance and the Kibana url.

    Notice: It takes 3-5 minutes for the ELK services to start

  5. Access your instance via ssh or Kibana url