
npm install


  • npx hardhat compile

Local Deploy / Run Ugly UI


  • Launch Ganache
  • On the first time this is launched:
    • Change the Network ID to 1337 (Gear Icon -> Server -> Network ID)
    • Copy one of the Ganache default accounts' private key
    • Add a new account to Metamask via Import Account with this key
    • Now copy the public key
    • Copy the .env.example into .env
    • In the .env file add this public key to the ADMIN_PUBKEY and HOLDER_PUBKEY variables. (This will be used as the admin account and the account that will receive the initial supply of the tokens during deploy.)
    • Add this network to Metamask:
      • Network Name: Ganache Local
      • New RPC URL: http://localhost:7545
      • Chain ID: 1337
      • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ganache or:
  • npm run deployGanache
  • Launch the ugly UI: npm start
    • Make sure Metamask network is Ganache Local
    • And the account is the one added above

Hardhat Network

  • In one terminal launch Hardhat Network: npx hardhat node
  • On the first time this is launched:
    • Copy one of the private keys printed at start
    • Add a new account to Metamask via Import Account with this key
    • Now copy the public key
    • Copy the .env.example into .env
    • In the .env file add this public key to the ADMIN_PUBKEY and HOLDER_PUBKEY variables. (This will be used as the admin account and the account that will receive the initial supply of the tokens during deploy.)
    • Add this network to Metamask:
      • Network Name: Hardhat Local
      • New RPC URL: http://localhost:8545
      • Chain ID: 31337
      • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • In another terminal:
  • npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost or
  • npm run deployLocal
  • Launch the ugly UI: npm start
    • Make sure Metamask network is Hardhat Local
    • And the account is the one added above
    • Unlike Ganache, Hardhat does not keep the state between sessions. This means that Metamask will probably get a "nonce to high" error when running a transaction - Metamask continues to increment the nonce for this account, but because the state was reset, the nonce should also