This repo is a resource for various red teaming techniques and tools based on open source software and non-commerical tools.
The payload framework is very effective when paired with my Covenant Randomizer script.
I was able to bypass Defender with Covenant with no problems.
I was also able to bypass Defender with a Meterpreter payload. This might not be as effective since Meterpreter is signatured so heavily. Your results will vary without modifying your Meterpreter payload's template inside Metasploit. Going with lesser used payloads will probably yield good results.
There are four modules currently. As of this post, all of them bypass AV/Defender.
AES Encrypted payload
AES Encrypted payload with process injection
QueueUserAPC shellcode execution
ThreadPoolWait shellcode execution.
All of the modules use XOR encryption for strings and function obfuscation and AES encryption for payload exection. Once the payload is compiled, the script uses SigThief to sign the binary with a Microsoft certificate.