ASH is a Python-based computational chemistry and QM/MM environment, primarily for molecular calculations in the gas phase, explicit solution, crystal or protein environment. Can do single-point calculations, geometry optimizations, surface scans, molecular dynamics, numerical frequencies etc. using a MM, QM or QM/MM Hamiltonian. Interfaces to popular QM codes: ORCA, xTB, Psi4, PySCF, Dalton, CFour, MRCC.
While ASH is ready to be used in computational chemistry research, it is a young project and there will probably be some issues and bugs to be discovered if you start using it.
In case of problems: Please open an issue on Github and I will try to fix any problems as soon as possible.
ASH welcomes any contributions.
Ongoing priorities:
- Improve documentation of code, write docstrings.
- Write unit tests
- Rewrite silly old code.
- Reduce code redundancy.
- Improve program documentation
from ash import *
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
F 0.0 0.0 1.0
#Create fragment from multi-line string
HF_frag=Fragment(coordsstring=coords, charge=0, mult=1)
#Alternative: Create fragment from XYZ-file
HF_frag=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
#Define ORCA theory settings strings
input="! r2SCAN def2-SVP def2/J tightscf"
blocks="%scf maxiter 200 end"
#Define ORCA theory object
ORCAcalc = ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput=input, orcablocks=blocks)
#Call optimizer with ORCAtheory object and fragment as input