
Big thanks to /schmiatz/, who created project: koii-headless.git, as I have been creating a multiple KOII NODES previously and running smoothly, since recently it disappeared, I am returning it back with improvements. :)

What does this Repo?

This Repo contains an ansible-playbook that installs:

What are the requirements to run this Playbook?

You need a Ubuntu 20 Server (22 and 24 will follow).

You need to have ansible installed on a Machine where you want to run the Playbook from.

How to install ansible on Ubuntu Server 20?

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt -y install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible

You need to have ssh access with root permissions to the Machine you want to be installed by ansible.
You need to specify the Variable koii_user in the cloned Repos group_vars/all.yml file.

How to run the Playbook?

Prepare the Playbook

Git Clone this Repo:

git clone https://github.com/0xC-Diamond/Koii-Headless-v2.0.git

Switch into the Repo and add your Ubuntu username into the group_vars:
Example: username "koii", replace it in the echo command!

cd Koii-Headless-v2.0
echo "koii_user: koii" > group_vars/all.yml

Put your Koii-Headless Server IP in the inventory.yml file.

NB! uncomment last 2 lines, so it is according to the following: Example for a Server Named "koii-headless" with an IP-Address "":

nano inventory.yml


Make sure that your User has ssh permissions to execute Playbook files!

Debug the SSH Connection

ssh -v user@hostname(IP)

Generate a new key if you do not have one already defined.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Check the sshd Configuration have you allowed Password authentification:

For this, check the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file for the following lines:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Set these variables (uncomment if commented = remove # in beginning of the line)

PasswordAuthentication yes

PubkeyAuthentication yes

sudo service ssh restart

How do I check the permissions and ownership of the authorized_keys file

ls -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

If need to give correct permission: 600 means you can read and write the file or directory and other users have no access to it.

sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you have configured and allowed the ssh for the user, try reboot the server first

sudo reboot

Execute the Playbook

Switch into the Repo and exectute the command 'ansible-playbook playbook.yml'

cd Koii-Headless-v2.0
ansible-playbook -v playbook.yml -kK

And Now?

  • Update the .env.local.example File like its described here in the https://github.com/koii-network/task-template check the file itself: .env.local.example also pause on the video if needed to see what is the configuration setup.

NB! First of all initially created file are called '.env.local.example', run the commands to rename to match the configuration and then adjust the file accordingly.

cd koii-node
mv .env.local.example .env-local
nano .env-local

Create a wallet and top up with some KOII from the faucet OR use existing wallet key file(id.json)

Suggest to use guide here: https://docs.koii.network/run-a-node/task-nodes/Running-on-VPS#set-up-new-koii-pubkey

koii config set --url https://testnet.koii.live

Then you will have your new pubkey, transfer some tokens to this account using Finnie Wallet or get couple of $KOII Tokens from the Faucet.

Suggestion: Use some FileManager to connect to your VPS and download id.json file and make an “Import a key file” in the Finnie Wallet settings page. In order to have your Main node wallet right in front of you if you would like to check the Balance/Transfer KOII without going into the VPS server.

Make sure that you have a $KOII Balance in your wallet before proceeding, so the Staking account can be created and transactions can go through

Finally it is time for the LAUNCH: 3...2...1...GO!

Switch into the Repo and execute 'docker compose up -d'

cd koii-node 
docker compose up -d

Verify whether all is good and the task are performing action and there is no errors:

docker logs -f --tail 10 task_node


How to interact now with the running Node?

execute the command 'create-task-cli' and you will see an interactive menu

? Select operation › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯   Create a new task - **DO NOT INTERACT all the changes should be made in .env-local configuration file!**
    update existing task - **DO NOT INTERACT all the changes should be made in .env-local configuration file!**
    Activate/Deactivate task - **DO NOT INTERACT all the changes should be made in .env-local configuration file!**
    Claim reward
    Fund task with more KOII - **DO NOT INTERACT all the changes should be made in .env-local configuration file!**
    Withdraw staked funds from task
    upload assets to IPFS(metadata/local vars) - **DO NOT INTERACT all the changes should be made in .env-local configuration file!**

Example how to claim rewards from the "Free Token Task!"

Calling ClaimReward
✔ Enter the task id … 6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN
✔ Enter the stakePotAccount address … FnQm11NXJxPSjza3fuhuQ6Cu4fKNqdaPkVSRyLSWf14d
✔ Enter the beneficiaryAccount address (Address that the funds will be transferred to) … 5aU9fdhjpe2sZKzZ858tV1ZDGjht1Q1UQewEphdo5meZ
✔ Enter the path to Claimer wallet … /home/koii/koii-node/namespace/staking_wallet.json

6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN represents the Task ID
FnQm11NXJxPSjza3fuhuQ6Cu4fKNqdaPkVSRyLSWf14d represents the Task Creator ID
5aU9fdhjpe2sZKzZ858tV1ZDGjht1Q1UQewEphdo5meZ represents the Wallet that will receive the claimed Coins
/home/koii/koii-node/namespace/staking_wallet.json represents the default path to your staking wallet

Example how to Unstake from the "Free Token Task!"

1. Calling Withdraw staked funds from task
✔ Enter the task id … 6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN
✔ Enter the submitter wallet path address … /home/koii/koii-node/namespace/staking_wallet.json
Gives error but don't worry, follow on with next step ->

2.Calling ClaimReward
✔ Enter the task id … 6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN
✔ Enter the stakePotAccount address … stakepotaccountUSDX2sDSAcq8ZEvA3Tiv7tRpJ1Dv
✔ Enter the beneficiaryAccount address (Address that the funds will be transferred to) … YOUR-ADDRESS
✔ Enter the path to Claimer wallet … /home/koii/koii-node/namespace/staking_wallet.json

6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN represents the Task ID
stakepotaccountUSDX2sDSAcq8ZEvA3Tiv7tRpJ1Dv represents the Stake Pot Account
YOUR-ADDRESS represents the Wallet that will receive the claimed Coins
/home/koii/koii-node/namespace/staking_wallet.json represents the default path to your staking wallet

Additional helpful commands you should know

koii -u https://testnet.koii.live balance
koii --version
koii address

Tasks IDs for different tasks running on nodes:

Task name Task ID

Free Token Task! 6GbpHRK3duDbo3dCEFXuJ2KD5Hg6Yo4A9LyHozeE7rjN -> NEW Task ID from 15.02.2024= 4mFgWD5GwGTrhc7vBXQnNLkFFrsMduSEa8aBTWwtfLdk

Arweave Verifier BwwkRHB1GVWvVDbdXfUobRFLfz7wz6tz2u2W8mKCUjsj

Inflation Monitoring EN4CA8EuLzUJGDC8p6WwCqCniwGB99sXh7Ma2WBKDL9o

Big Big Task tqhFcPKvcWPagNWNEBC6LtpFujboi7FigVoVUw2Ph8n

Adot Search AI 5hoMYrrdPQneqsQyRGzmoHvKEbR5kA1dN6jdUWFnhgVH

#koii Twitter Archive 9Vfa7Jowd3q7xdiV4hSZt1t5L9PWXjFWb6VuLbUXPwUS

Archive Twitter Hcpv6q57mcG9fGca9xMoivMuCVNWZd9atxRQfcde6Edb

Mask Social Feeds 7NvPT3RC24NhgMZZSW1Ke5WKcVLwQgwRbYfVYsvkJobH

Thats it, have fun!