
A .NET wrapper for G'MIC

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A .NET wrapper for G'MIC.


  • Allows .NET applications to execute G'MIC commands.
  • Supports user-defined custom image types, the default image type uses the GDI+ Bitmap class.
  • Supports progress reporting and cancellation.
  • Supports using a custom resource directory.

Native libraries

This project depends on the native libraries in gmic-sharp-native.
These libraries provide the native interface between gmic-sharp and libgmic.

Example application

A Windows Forms-based example application is located at gmic-sharp-example.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
See License.txt for more information.

Native libraries

The gmic-sharp native libraries (libGmicSharpNative*) are dual-licensed under the terms of the either the CeCILL v2.1 (GPL-compatible) or CeCILL-C v1 (similar to the LGPL).
Pick the one you want to use.

This was done to match the licenses used by libgmic.

Source code


Building the library

  • Open the solution
  • Build the solution