
Comparing 6502 multiply routines

Primary LanguageC

6502 Integer Multiplication - which is best?



This document compares the runtime performance and memory used by a wide variety of multiplication routines for the 6502 CPU. Over 60 different routines have been exhaustively tested, cycle counted, and the results plotted.

The most common routines available are for unsigned numbers, either 8 bit x 8 bit with a 16 bit result, or 16 bit x 16 bit with a 32 bit result. These are the natural focus, however several other routines are also listed later. There is also a section later that discusses how to how to customise the routines, e.g. how to handle signed numbers, adjusting to different bit sizes, etc.

The Implementations

I have tested the following routines:

Unsigned multiply

Source code Bits Method From
mult1.a 16x16=32 shift and add 6502 Software Design by Leo J Scanlon (1980) and codebase64
mult2.a 16x16=32 shift and add The Merlin 128 Macro Assembler disk, via The Fridge
mult3.a 16x16=32 shift and add Neil Parker
mult4.a 16x16=32 shift and add TobyLobster, combining the results of mult39
mult5.a 8x8=16 tables of squares yerricde at everything2
mult6.a 8x8=16 tables of squares eurorusty at everything2
mult7.a 8x8=16 shift and add Apple Assembly Line, January 1986
mult8.a 8x8=16 shift and add Apple Assembly Line, January 1986
mult9.a 8x8=16 shift and add The Fridge
mult10.a 8x8=16 shift and add codebase64
mult11.a 8x8=16 shift and add codebase64
mult12.a 8x8=16 shift and add codebase64
mult13.a 8x8=16 tables of squares Apple Assembly Line, March 1986
mult14.a 8x8=16 tables of squares codebase64
mult15.a 16x16=32 tables of squares codebase64
mult16.a 8x8=16 tables of squares codebase64
mult17.a 8x8=16 shift and add Elite (BBC Micro)
mult18.a 8x8=16 shift and add Elite (BBC Master version)
mult19.a 8x8=16 shift and add Neil Parker
mult20.a 8x8=16 shift and add Becoming Julie
mult21.a 8x8=16 shift and add Niels Möller
mult22.a 8x8=16 tables of squares Niels Möller
mult23.a 8x8=16 shift and add tepples at NesDev
mult24.a 8x8=16 shift and add tepples unrolled at NesDev
mult25.a 8x8=16 shift and add Bregalad at NesDev
mult26.a 8x8=16 shift and add frantik at NesDev
mult27.a 8x8=16 tables of squares H2Obsession
mult28.a 8x8=16 shift and add Apple Assembly Line, January 1986
mult29.a 8x8=16 shift and add Apple Assembly Line, January 1986 (unrolled)
mult30.a 8x8=16 shift and add tepples unrolled at NesDev (adjusted)
mult31.a 16x16=32 tables of squares codebase64
mult32.a 8x8=16 4 bit multiply keldon at everything2
mult33.a 16x16=32 tables of squares Retro64
mult34.a 8x8=16 shift and add AtariArchives
mult35.a 8x8=16 shift and add AtariArchives
mult36.a 16x16=32 shift and add Best of Personal Computer World, ASSEMBLER ROUTINES FOR THE 6502 by David Barrow
mult37.a 8x8=16 shift and add Andrew Blance, at codeburst
mult38.a 8x8=16 4 bit multiply Aviator (BBC Micro)
mult39.a 8x8=16 shift and add Revs (BBC Micro)
mult40.a 8x8=16 shift and add Meteors (BBC Micro)
mult41.a 16x16=32 tables of squares TobyLobster, combining the results of mult13
mult42.a 16x16=32 tables of squares TobyLobster, combining the results of mult16
mult43.a 8x8=16 shift and add 6502 assembly language programming by Lance A. Leventhal
mult44.a 8x8=16 shift and add The Sentinel (BBC Micro)
mult45.a 16x16=32 shift and add How to program the Apple II Using 6502 Assembly Language, by Randy Hyde

Signed multiply

Source code Bits Method From
smult1.a 8x8=16 (signed) tables of squares codebase64
smult2.a 8x8=16 (signed) Booth's algorithm Marcus Thill
smult3.a 16x16=32 (signed) tables of squares codebase64
smult4.a 8x8=16 (signed) shift and add Neil Parker
smult5.a 8x8=16 (signed) shift and add TobyLobster, converting mult9 to a signed multiply

Miscellaneous multiply

Specialised multiply routines often find their niche in games. Partial results (a result with fewer bits than expected) are common for fixed point arithmetic. Even approximate results can be used in cases where speed is more important than absolute accuracy.

Source code Bits Method From
omult1.a 16x16=16 (partial result,low 16 bits only) shift and add Apprize
omult2.a 8x8=8 (partial result, low byte only) shift and add The BBC Micro Compendium by Jeremy Ruston, also Nightshade
omult3.a 8x8=8 (partial result, high byte only) shift and add Elite for the BBC Micro, the original cassette and disc versions
omult4.a 24x8=32 (sign-magnitude numbers) shift and add Elite for the BBC Micro
omult5.a 16x16=16 (approximate 2 high bytes only) shift and add The Sentinel for the BBC Micro
omult6.a 16x16=16 (low 16 bit result, or carry set if overflow occurs) shift and add The Commodore 64 BASIC/KERNAL ROM at $B357
omult7.a 8x8=8 (partial result, approx high byte) log and exp tables Elite, BBC Master version and APPLE II Elite
omult8.a 8x8=8 (partial result, approx high byte) log and exp tables Elite, Second Processor version
omult9.a 8x8=8 (partial result, approx high byte) log and exp tables from articles by Krill/Plush in the German GO64! magazine (2000), via codebase64
omult10.a 16x32=32 (partial result,low 32 bits only) shift and add BBC BASIC ROM
omult11.a 8x8=8 (partial result, high byte only) tables of squares TobyLobster, reducing mult13 to return high byte only
omult12.a 8x8=8 (partial result, low byte only) shift and add Gateway to Apshai for the Atari 8-bit family
omult13.a 16x8=16 (partial result, div 128) shift and add Stellar 7, for the Apple II

The Results

8 bit x 8 bit unsigned multiply, with 16 bit result

In the diagrams below, grey dots are the also-rans. They are are beaten for both cycles and memory by the better orange dots.

Results of 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply

To see the results of the smaller routines more clearly, here is a zoomed in view of the same results:

Results of 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply (detail)

When looking for a fast routine, note that the fastest routine (mult14 at 46.99 cycles on average) can be made even faster if the multiplier (in A) is constant across multiple calls. The first instructions of this routine are setup code based on the multiplier that takes 18 cycles. This only needs to be done once, so subsequent multiplies only take 28.99 cycles on average. This can also be done to a lesser degree for mult27.

All cycle counts and byte counts include the final RTS (1 byte, 6 cycles), but do not include any initial JSR mult (3 bytes, 6 cycles).

Source code Average Cycles Memory (bytes) My Changes
mult5.a 92.01 834
mult6.a 137.92 620
mult7.a 133.53 36 with slight change to swap output parameters
mult8.a 153.45 29
mult9.a 162.00 17
mult10.a 221.08 27
mult11.a 162.00 17
mult12.a 108.64 71 slightly tweaked
mult13.a 54.00 1075
mult14.a 46.99 2078
mult16.a 67.48 574
mult17.a 150.47 28 tweaked to handle X=0 on input
mult18.a 111.62 73 tweaked to handle X=0 on input and unrolled
mult19.a 185.00 18
mult20.a 244.00 27 bug fixed
mult21.a 150.00 18
mult22.a 77.49 563
mult23.a 153.00 21
mult24.a 110.63 70 slightly tweaked
mult25.a 243.00 28 bug fixed, tweaked parameter passing
mult26.a 278.14 47 bug fixed
mult27.a 51.49 1316 slightly tweaked
mult28.a 130.00 27 tweaked
mult29.a 120.00 43 tweaked
mult30.a 114.00 74 tweaked
mult32.a 117.14 592
mult34.a 280.00 36
mult35.a 191.00 22
mult37.a 278.00 35
mult38.a 97.00 1345
mult39.a 107.00 69 tweaked slightly
mult40.a 278.00 35
mult43.a 208.90 26
mult44.a 109.00 69

16 bit x 16 bit unsigned multiply, with 32 bit result

Results of 16 x 16 bit unsigned multiply

Source Average Cycles Memory (bytes) My Changes
mult1.a 751.00 38
mult2.a 578.00 33 optimised slightly
mult3.a 711.00 36
mult4.a 567.00 137 I use mult39 from Revs and combine to make 16x16
mult15.a 206.60 2181
mult31.a 238.07 2219
mult33.a 609.86 1277 with test code removed, and tables page aligned. Stores numbers in MSB order
mult36.a 973.01 62
mult41.a 350.00 1150 I use mult13 and combine to make 16x16
mult42.a 404.59 648 I use mult16 and combine to make 16x16
mult45.a 695.00 38 optimised slightly

Signed multiply

Here are some example signed multiply routines. The signed routines are usually just an unsigned routine with adjustments made before and/or after it. See below for how to adapt an unsigned multiply into a signed multiply routine.

Source Average cycles Memory (bytes) Notes
smult1.a 62.99 2095 8 x 8 bit signed multiply (16 bit result), tweaked for size and speed (based on mult14.a)
smult2.a 329.67 49 8 x 8 bit signed multiply (16 bit result), Booth's Algorithm, bug fixed and optimised
smult3.a 277.57 2253 16 x 16 bit signed multiply (32 bit result), tweaked slightly (based on the mult31.a)
smult4.a 242.52 67 8 x 8 bit signed multiply (16 bit result) based on the unsigned mult19
smult5.a 180.50 35 8 x 8 bit signed multiply (16 bit result) based on the unsigned mult9

Miscellaneous multiply

Other miscellaneous multiply routines with something 'specialised' about it e.g. only returning an approximate result, or with different bit depths:

Source Average cycles Memory (bytes) Notes
omult1.a 649.00 33 16 x 16 bit unsigned multiply, ONLY low 16 bit result
omult2.a 145.00 16 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, ONLY low 8 bit result
omult3.a 128.00 24 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, ONLY high 8 bit result
omult4.a 686.88 70 24 x 8 bit sign-magnitude multiply, 32 bit result
omult5.a 492.96 196 16 x 16 bit signed/sign-magnitude multiply, 16 bit signed approximate result
omult6.a 153.46 38 16 x 16 bit unsigned multiply, 16 bit low bytes result (or carry set on overflow)
omult7.a 46.72 802 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, 8 bit high byte approximate result
omult8.a 49.20 1075 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, 8 bit high byte approximate result
omult9.a 22.97 780 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, 8 bit high byte approximate result
omult10.a 909.00 50 16 x 32 bit unsigned multiply, 32 bit low bytes result
omult11.a 43.00 547 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, ONLY approximate high 8 bit result
omult12.a 181.04 27 8 x 8 bit unsigned multiply, ONLY low 8 bit result
omult13.a 202.01 179 16 signed x 8 bit sign-magnitude, 16 bit result, div 128

The Algorithms

1. Binary Multiplication (Shift and Add)

This is the classic algorithm found in all good textbooks, similar to pen and paper 'long multiplication', but in base 2. A friendly introduction is found here. In short, one number is shifted left (doubled) each time around a loop, and the binary bits of the other number are used to determine whether to add this shifted number to a running total.

This is the method used by most programs that need multiplication. It has the advantage that the code is small and it performs reasonably well. Also known as Ancient Egyptian multiplication.

2. Tables of Squares

By storing tables of square numbers, we can speed up multiplication. This uses:

$$ab = f(a+b) - f(a-b), where f(x) = \frac{x^2} {4}$$

So using two table lookups, an addition and two subtractions, we can multiply. This is faster than 'shift and add'. The downside is how much memory needed to store the data. For 8 bit multiplication, the amount of data varies depending on the exact implementation, but is either 2k of data (fastest), or 1k (only marginally slower), or 512 bytes (slightly slower again).

An added feature of the 1k and 2k routines particularly is that if many multiplications are being done with one of the inputs unchanging then some setup code can be skipped, for even better performance. For example if a number of points are being rotated by some known angle.

The data tables can be either loaded from storage, or initialised in code.

3. Logarithms

This is an approximation for multiplication. This uses:

$$log(ab) = log(a) + log(b)$$

By using a log and exponentiation tables, we can multiply using just three table lookups and one addition. This is fast.

However, since we are working with integers and not floating point, this is only an approximation. In particular, when multiplying 8 bit x 8 bit and returning an 8 bit (high byte) result only, this can give a reasonable approximation.

The method is described further here here. It has an implementation we look at next, and compare it with others:

GO64! magazine articles (omult9.a)

This uses a 256 byte log table and a 511 byte antilog table (total: 767 bytes of data).

Note that its formula for the antilog table $y=2^{(x/f-8)}+.5$ should not have the $+.5$ as this makes the results less accurate. In particular, testing with $+.5$ over all 65536 possible inputs we get the following results:

Error: -5  count: 1
Error: -4  count: 32
Error: -3  count: 262
Error: -2  count: 1086
Error: -1  count: 3934
Error: 0  count: 26871
Error: 1  count: 28384
Error: 2  count: 3937
Error: 3  count: 833
Error: 4  count: 180
Error: 5  count: 16

Root-mean-square deviation: 257.06 (smaller is better)

omult9 results with 0.5 bias

which is more often wrong than it is right. Without the $+.5$ the code gives more accurate results:

Error: -5  count: 9
Error: -4  count: 93
Error: -3  count: 468
Error: -2  count: 2088
Error: -1  count: 10529
Error: 0  count: 41848
Error: 1  count: 8275
Error: 2  count: 1753
Error: 3  count: 411
Error: 4  count: 61
Error: 5  count: 1

Root-mean-square deviation: 211.64 (smaller is better)

omult9 results without 0.5 bias

Elite, Master version (omult7.a)

The Master and Second Processor versions of Elite for the BBC Micro also use logarithms for approximating some 8 bit x 8 bit = 8 bit (high byte) multiplications (see here).

The BBC Master and Apple II versions of Elite have identical routines with two log tables and an antilog table (total: 768 bytes of data) for a version that is wrong by no more than six:

Error -6: 10
Error -5: 119
Error -4: 626
Error -3: 2590
Error -2: 7082
Error -1: 20656
Error 0: 34451
Error 1: 2

Root-mean-square deviation: 292.66 (smaller is better)

omult7 results

Elite, Second Processor version (omult8.a)

The Second Processor version of Elite has a more accurate version using an extra antilog table (total: 1024 bytes of data), for a version that is wrong by no more than three:

Error -3: 90
Error -2: 1981
Error -1: 19356
Error 0: 44109

Root-mean-square deviation: 167.60 (smaller is better)

omult8 results

Alternative: a table-of-squares approximation (omult11.a)

The same log and antilog tables can be used to implement an approximate division.

If division is not needed however, then a table of squares method can be used, and assuming (as with log based methods above) only the high byte of the product is required, the code for the low byte can be removed, for a version that is wrong by no more than one:

Error 0: 35492
Error 1: 30044
Root-mean-square deviation: 173.33 (smaller is better)

omult11 results

4. Four bit multiply

Instead of 'binary multiplication' using base 2 (as described above), we use base 16 (hexadecimal). We use a 256 byte table that stores the result of multiplying two 4 bit numbers together.

To get an 8 bit x 8 bit multiply, we think of our two 8 bit numbers as being two pairs of hex digits AB and CD. We multiply each pair of hex digits together using the lookup table, and add them together as shown below. This is the same method as regular pen and paper 'long multiplication':

        xx      (B*D)+
       xx0      (A*D*16)+
       xx0      (B*C*16)+
      xx00      (A*C*256)

This algorithm is not the fastest, it's nearly 2 times slower than a regular shift and add.

'Aviator' for the BBC Micro uses this method (see here).

5. Booth's Algorithm

The classic shift and add algorithm can sometimes end up doing a lot of addition. For instance multiplying by 15 involves four additions since 15 = 1+2+4+8, corresponding to a run of set bits in the multiplier. It would be quicker to multiply by 16 and subtract the original number.

Booth's Algorithm tracks when successive bits of the multiplier change and either adds or subtracts the other number from the total as needed.

Unusually, this method is designed for signed numbers, not unsigned.

This method turns out to be ~2.7 times slower on the 6502 than an equivalent 'shift-and-add' routine, so doesn't seem to be used much in practice. It's used more in designing hardware circuits.

6. Hardware support

Some hardware has multiplication support in silicon. These are likely to be fastest where available. For instance, the SNES CPU with its extended 6502 instruction set has hardware for 'unsigned 8 bit x 8 bit = 16 bit' and 'signed 16 bit x 8 bit = 24 bit' routines.

7. Repeated addition

To multiply m*n, just add m, n times. This is stupidly slow for anything that isn't very small in n, so avoid in general.


1. Changing the number of bits

The most common routines I've found either multiply two 8 bit values to get a 16 bit result, or multiply two 16 bit values to get a 32 bit result.

These are useful, but in practice what you may need is something different, something custom made. For example you may need to multiply a 24 bit number by an 8 bit number, scaling the result down by 256 to get a new 24 bit number. It helps to realise that you can make these routines by building on your favourite standard 8 bit x 8 bit = 16 bit routine.

Just as binary multiplication works in base 2, this works in base 256. Each byte is one digit. For example, to make a 16 x 16 bit multiply:

        xx      (B*D)+
       xx0      (A*D*256)+
       xx0      (B*C*256)+
      xx00      (A*C*256*256)

Adding the four partial results as shown.

2. Changing the In and Out Parameters

Routines can take input values either from registers or from memory. It can also return results in registers and/or memory.

8 bit x 8 bit = 16 bit

The 8 bit routines I have presented here will generally use whichever parameter method is fastest.

However, the calling code may want to use registers for the parameters for the multiply for both input and output as this is often most efficient. You may want to adjust the in/out parameters of the routine depending on your usage.

In particular, if on exiting the routine the low byte of the result is in A, then it can be used as the starting point for a subsequent add or subtract, as used when combining to make a larger bit multiply. Sometimes carry is guaranteed clear after the multiply which also helps with optimising a subsequent addition.

16bit x 16 bit = 32 bit

These routines mostly use memory locations for in/out parameters, as there are too many values to hold in the registers.

3. Only Using Partial Results

For speed, some routines only provide a partial answer. e.g. it may return only the high byte of the result (as an approximation, often used with fixed point calculations) or the low byte (for multiplying small numbers that don't lead to results larger than one byte).

For example, if a routine wants to multiply a 16 bit number by the sine of an angle this is a problem for an integer routine since the sine of an angle is a floating point number not an integer. By scaling up the fractional value to an integer e.g. N=256*sin(angle), then the integer multiplication by N can happen and the result scaled down by 256. Note also that negative numbers will need special treatment:

4. Making Signed Multiply Routines

Two's complement representation is most commonly used to represent signed numbers. Occasionally routines use a sign-magnitude representation (e.g. omult4.a), but I will assume here the standard two's complement representation is used.

There are two methods of dealing with multiplying signed numbers; one obvious, the other less obvious but faster. The more obvious method is:

  1. remember if the sign of the two input numbers differ
  2. remove the sign of each input value (abs)
  3. do a regular unsigned multiply
  4. recall if the signs differ and negate the result if needed

The faster, craftier method is:

  1. do a regular unsigned multiply
  2. If the first input is negative, subtract the second input from the high byte(s) of the result.
  3. If the second input is negative, subtract the first input from the high byte(s) of the result.

This takes less memory and fewer cycles than the more obvious method. See C=Hacking16 for more details.

The code to do this can be optimised to be quite small. For instance smult1.a has:

    ; Step 1: Unsigned multiply
    ;     <do an unsigned multiply here>
    ; Suppose at this point:
    ;     X=one of the original input numbers
    ;     A=high byte of result
    ;     Y=low byte of result

    ; Step 2: apply sign.
    cpx #$80             ; check the sign of one input              2 cycles
    bcc +                ; branch if positive.                      2/3/4
    sbc sm1              ; take off the other input.                3
    bit sm1              ; check the sign with of the other input.  3
    bpl +                ; branch if positive.                      2/3/4
    stx temp             ; store the amount to subtract.            4
    sec                  ; prepare carry for subtract.              2
temp = * + 1
    sbc #0               ; subtract (self modifying code).          2

Corollary: For an 8 bit x 8 bit multiply where only the low 8 bits of the result are required, there is no difference between the unsigned and signed result, the same answer works for both. For a 16 bit x 16 bit multiply where only the lower 16 bits are required, the same is true.

5. Self modifying code

Some implementations use self modifying code for speed, so won't work without change from ROM. But if you can use self-modifying code, putting the code itself in zero page can make it run a little faster, if you have the space!

6. Multiply using Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)

This can be done, but not very efficiently. Here is an implementation that uses the 'Russian peasant multiplication'.

How to run the tests


  • I use the MOS Technology 6502 CPU Emulator to emulate the 6502.
  • I use the Z header only library as it is required by the emulator.
  • I use the libpng library to plot the log error images.
  • I use matplotlib python library to plot the graphs.
  • I use the acme assembler.
  • I use clang to compile the C code.


  • I'm set up for macOS. The 'go' script specifies which tests to execute. Uncomment the test(s) you want to run. Run the 'go' script to execute the tests.
  • The 'tests' folder contains a number of 6502 assembly language files ('.a' files) to test.
  • The testing is configured by a small associated '.c' file.
  • The test results are written to the results/ folder.

How testing works

  • The assembly language code is assembled into a binary file using the acme assembler.
  • The tester C code is compiled (using clang) along with the test parameters '.c' file.
  • The 6502 binary is loaded and executed (simulated) multiple times, over all possible inputs (specified by the test's '.c' file).
  • Any unexpected results (e.g. due to errors in the algorithm or the test) are reported. The test case that failed is re-run with a full disassembly output to aid debugging.
  • The average cycle count is reported and results are output to a json file.
  • Tests can be executed on multiple threads for speed. Adjust this in the go script: -n<number> on the command line for the tester program specifies the number of threads.

See Also

See also my sqrt_test repository for comparing implementations of square root.