This repository contains a collection of code examples and tutorials for programming in x86 assembly language
- 0xCD4
- 3mBronn
- abary001
- aCloverophilePROSOL
- alfcast
- amine123aitNETSQ
- AssassinK786SIES Graduate School Of Technology
- AssassinUKG
- Crispy-rwAmpersand Ltd
- daltonjorgeUFCG
- dottorvenomMinistero della Difesa
- em1NllsAnkara, Türkiye
- ex3ploit3rhexspace
- g0tieLa Réunion (France)
- hotplugin0x01
- IvaldiS6
- Mahesh-Parmar
- ogchibi95Kerava, 04250, Suomi
- OptimusPrime871
- P4nD3m1CB0Y0xDsomewhere between us and them
- PunkerGhoulColombia
- RasenRhino
- smadi0x86AuspicesAI
- Taanobanyesamuel
- TcherB310dayLab
- UncleJ4ckThe Farm
- zavke