
Solana programs written with Anchor with unit tests in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust


This is a collection of detailed notes and examples of my experience learning Solana development. I found there to be very few detailed resources (especially recent) on Solana development, particulary when it came to interacting with Solana programs with a Rust client. This includes both testing with the solana-program-test crate and interacting with the network via the solana-sdk crate. My goal with this repo is to provide a reference for myself, but also hopefully help future developers who are trying to break into the Solana ecosystem.

This repo focuses heavily on Rust. The Solana Program (Smart Contract) development is written in Rust. I also chose to build my clients and unit test the contracts in Rust. I chose to do this because I am personally focused on learning Rust more in depth. I generally prefer to do my unit testing in the same language I wrote the smart contracts and then integration / frontend testing with Typescript. The EVM equivalent is having a combination repo with Foundry/Hardhat and writing unit tests/fuzzing with Foundry and then integration type testing with Hardhat. There will definitely be some Typescript code and examples sprinkled in, but the in depth explanation of it may be lacking compared to the Rust examples.

I previously authored a repo called the ethers-js-cheatsheet which helped me and many other developers learn how to interact with EVM based smart contracts with the ethers library. I hope to accomplish a similar goal with this repo.


I am not going to cover how to install Rust, Solana, Anchor -- nor am I going to focus on how Rust works (except in situations I think it's important). There are plenty of resources on the internet that cover how to install these things and on Rust itself. This repo is intended for intermediate to advanced developers who are new to Solana (like me!).

If you get a response back in the terminal with solana --version and anchor --version you should be good to go.

I'm also not going to spend too much time explaining the account based architecture of Solana programs except in the beginning where learning Anchor/how the program structure looks like.


Each subfolder / project should be able to run standalone. Each subfolder has its own README.md with more detailed information.

  1. Counter Program

    • A really simple program that makes a global PDA (Program Dervied Account) and increments it. Unit tests in Rust. Primarily focused on learning the wiring and provides notes about how to use the solana_program, solana_program_test, solana_sdk, and anchor_lang crates.
  2. Counter Interact

    • A simple Rust binary that interacts with the Counter Program. Primarily focused on learning how to interact with a deployed program on Solana via Rust. This is meant to be used with the anchor-counter project. Deploy the anchor-counter program locally and then run this binary to interact with it.
  3. Jupiter Swap

    • Uses the Jupiter API and solana_sdk crate to actually make a swap on mainnet. This will actually swap real SOL so be careful. I like doing things on mainnet when it's cheap enough. It's currently set up to swao 0.01 SOL for BONK.


This is a learning repo so my own understanding of things is not perfect. I'm simply sharing what seems to have worked for me. If you are an experienced Solana developer, please feel free to correct my mistakes by opening a PR or reaching out to me on Discord or Twitter.


Now that I'm over the initial learning curve, I'll probably just jump straight into my own projects. However, if I find something sparsely documented that I eventually figure out, I may add it here as a reference/example for the future.

Resources Used

This is just a dump of resources I found helpful in doing this. Some of these are a few years old, and I had to patch together a lot of different things to get things working. My primary advice is to join Discords and spam questions as they are the best feedback loop. Also just reading the source for a lot of stuff will give you a general idea of how to do things.

Random Set Up Notes

If you are opening this in VSCode from the root folder, you may need to edit the rust analyzer settings so it works with all of the projects. You can do this by editing the linked projects settings in the workspace JSON preferences. This should be included in the repo, but if not, add the following:

  "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [